Viva forty!

I will be forty in a few weeks. I have no idea what to expect, but if all feel like when I turned 30 I love that I will survive. But I do not believe. I understand that this decade will bring some changes. But any change given I said bring it on!

Some people just have known for many years his wife will be changing soon forty joke that I write about things that husbands should hope. I give it much thought, and finally concluded that all depends on what. received in these years. Hit another decade does not necessarily mean that things will get better or worse unless people decide something new happens.

Yes, there are some physical changes. Sometimes after I exercise every day of my pain in places I did not know that I will feel pain when I wake up in the morning my eyes felt like someone took sand and dry them in while I slept. Not. talk about transformations. Home I strive to ignore the last five years.

Although I look forward to this new decade, it has accumulated during my understanding before. thirty-nine years is bound to benefit. I look forward to deepening my relationship than I hope to restart my expectations to embrace the new definition of beauty needs more time in what I hope to have a friendly society to replace any other questions. me.

If the change forty or fifty or sixty, you scares me to share a very bold suggestions:.

? Laugh more. Is still a good drug.
? Love yourself every single day. Will break.
Other? Love as you can. Is empowering.
? Eliminate concerns. The emotional waste.
? Live intentionally. Embrace each new day with wonder and thanks.
? Never in the past. What should remain embedded.
? Read good books.
? Surround yourself with people who have the best interests of the heart.
Forgiving ·. Resents her who are enslaved.
? Tell us your story. It makes a world of difference.

As you step into this new decade, decided to identify and eliminate all negative thoughts. Choose not to allow a protest of their defeat and exit from your mouth. We will be more damage to ourselves and those we love when we refuse to accept that we are. Most of all enjoy ten years ... they say the best is yet come!

Dinorah Blackman-Williams. Author of the psychologist, the education and training in Christian life, living in Panama with her husband and 7 year old daughter Imani.

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