Empowerment Of Women Is Vital For These Reasons

Empowerment of women is something that you are hearing more about these days. Women everywhere are finding positive ways to help empower them. There are many reasons this empowerment is vital for every woman.

You need to understand these reasons so you can see why you need to empower yourself, if you haven't started doing this already.

1. Self confidence - Empowering yourself will help you gain self confidence. This is very important for many women because many of them have low self confidence already.

Improving your self confidence is always a good reason for empowerment. Every woman is a great person in their own way and empowerment will help you realize this fact.

2. Prevent yourself from becoming a doormat - There are too many women all over the world these days that find themselves being treated like a doormat. Empowerment can help you change this and stop it from happening to you.

No one will be able to walk all over you anymore because you will know that you don't deserve it. This will help you gain the respect that you deserve.

3. Helps you gain courage you may lack in certain areas of your life. Empowerment will allow you to gain courage that you may be lacking in many areas of your life.

Sometimes courage is needed in life and not having it can make life more difficult than it needs to be. Courage is something that everyone needs and this is a powerful tool that will allow any woman to easily gain it.

4. Self discovery - When you use empowerment, you will learn a lot of new things about yourself that you were not aware of. Self discovery is hard for any woman to do, but it is necessary.

Learning about yourself is going to be a benefit for any woman. It will help you realize that you are a good person and that you deserve only the best in life. It will also help you become a stronger woman than you are now.

5. Better health - You will notice an improvement in your overall healthy when you empower yourself. There are many things that can cause you to have bad health in life, but empowering yourself will turn this around so you have better health.

You will begin to notice that you feel much better than you ever have health wise and even physically. The more you use empowerment, the better you will feel over time.

Now that you know the main reasons why empowerment of women is so vital, you need to get started empowering yourself right away. The sooner you get started, the sooner you will realize that you are strong, smart and beautiful woman who deserves the best in life.

If you enjoyed this article by Melody Heddings please visit our women empowerment website today for a Free Report worth $97.00 "5 secrets to staying empowered - even if your world is falling apart". You will find useful information, fresh perspectives and principles based on proven strategies that will move you from where you are to where you want to be. http://www.godandenergy.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Melody_Heddings

How To Breathe For Better Sex

How To Have Better Sex - use your conscious breath

If you want to know how to have better sex, consider using your conscious breath. With the reasoning that, if you are a woman that has no trouble getting in the mood and feels fabulous during foreplay, yet still finds it difficult to orgasm, it could be because you are not using your breath to help you climax. Nothing is worse than the disappointment and frustration of being 'pipped at the post' in the bedroom, but it might be as simple to overcome as learning how to use your breath to 'drive' your sexual experience. Or, if you desire stronger more powerful orgasms, it could be as easy to achieve as consciously using your breath.

If you feel you are getting 'stuck' so to speak it could be because you are unintentionally holding your breath as you become more aroused. This prevents circulation and blocks the flow of energy leaving your body rigid and inflexible. Instead of gradually being able to 'let go', and have a flood of orgasmic energy take over you, you may end up stuck in an almost tortuous pleasure state, unable to finally let go.

Deep abdominal breathing could be the final piece in the puzzle to help you climax and improve your sex life. By relaxing and preparing your body for sex, deep abdominal breathing increases circulation and delivers flows or extra oxygen to your lungs, bloodstream, muscles and sex organs. It enables your whole body to function more efficiently and the additional flow of blood to your clitoris makes a fantastic orgasm that much easier to achieve.

Try to consciously use your breathe from the very beginning of foreplay right through to the very end. Before you begin, lie on your back and calm and centre yourself by breathing slowly and deeply. You should notice that your breathe reaches the back of your lungs, lower back and also sends a mild tingle to your vagina.

How To Have Better Sex

As you sustain this breathing, you should feel more relaxed, sensual and aroused. This measured breathing technique is also good to use when during the heights of sex you want to slow things with your partner down, and maintain your level of sexual pleasure.

When things progress and start to heat up, change your breathing to match the level of sexual intensity. Instead of holding your breath, use it to 'drive' your sexual experience. As you desire more arousal and stimulation, breathe rapidly and with purpose (panting) to increase blood flow and with practice reach the final crescendo.

Another excellent way to learn how to have better sex is to include conscious breathing with your partner. Loving eye contact particularly at the peaks of arousal harmonizes your breathing and makes for an intense powerful connection.

So the next time you get in between the sheets, before you even start with foreplay, focus on your breathing. Practice with your partner and make conscious breathing a part of your regular love making. As your sexual energy builds and just before climax, relax and expand your abdomen with your breath, opening the passage to a satisfying full body orgasm and with any luck, you'll never miss the train again.

For more information on better sex and orgasm tips see http://www.savvy-sex-tips.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jane_L

Rape - Understanding the Five Rules

Women often find themselves in precarious conditions because they are unaware of or oblivious to the rules of conduct and situation from the male perspective. Women even in the most positive sense take up the role of the victim too readily, easily and far too often. It seems that women are often not ready to make the commitment to changing their thinking, habits, self destructive lifestyles, and ideas about modesty. All men are potential rapists therefore women must be able to distinguish men according to fact and circumstances rather than feelings and delusions. This is where the "Five Rules" come in to protect women not just from men but from their own misconceptions and fears. Rapes just don't happen as a rule there is premeditation involved from the male point of view and often considerable logical thought. Being a man the natural inclination is to treat other men (especially those unknown) with a definite degree of mutual caution if not suspicion, although commonly men share the threat of mutual destruction if violence ensues. Women do not have the protection of mutual aggression, strength and the assured possibly devastating retaliation. Men do not have fear of women and males of other species from chimpanzees to dogs can identify women as female, rank them as dominate or non dominate and threaten them accordingly. However with human males they are much more cautious because they know they can never be sure of the outcome. With this in mind, I have developed Five Rules that if followed could serve any woman in any society quite well if taken seriously.

1. Wild Kingdom Rules
Men consciously or unconsciously are able view women in a way women do not perceive. For rough example a panther, leopard or any big cat watches the landscape from a high place or the shadows and learns the habits routine and movements of its prey. It logically uses this information to stalk, herd, ambush, and ultimately attack its prey, while the prey almost always stays in reactive mode rather that a proactive one. The prey's defense is to be alert, panic and to flee but even this has a predictable pattern and the big cats count on this because they are often fed by it. Women must assume they are being watched especially when they have no apparent male companion or relatives that are frequently visible. Profiles on serial rapist bear out the fact that the most dangerous men are not men of other social economic, racial, or cultural groups, but rather the men that seem to fit in from the victims own race, economic strata and cultural settings. These are the men women look at but don't see (hiding in plain sight using the best camouflage of all) because society has trained them not to. Nice upscale gated community may not just be locking the undesirables out but locking potential victims in with the real sex criminals. Assume the men in the neighborhood, on the street, at the job, clubs, sports events etc. know a lot more about local women than they think. Today's new casual male friend, sports partner, or associate could be tomorrows date rapist or nighttime intruder. The clean cut very socially acceptable men can be the ones with the most skeletons in their dark mental closets, and the criminal animal mind can be shockingly logical. Do not jog or walk alone especially in deserted or semi deserted places like wooded areas, roads, parks, alley ways, bike paths etc. and never at dawn, dusk or after dark. There have been instances of mountain lions attacking or even killing women in secluded locations and they don't have the advantages of a human brain as men evidently do.

2. Prison Sex Rules
An office, a hotel, a park, a mall parking lot, a parking garage or entire city can be a prison because men are nearby and women know nothing of their true intent. Women must mentally function the way a man would if incarcerated, be aware, be cautious, be armed if possible (a key, a pen or pencil, a magazine, etc. are all weapons of opportunity if used correctly) "soap on a rope" can do a lot of damage to a human being in or out of the showers and they won't see it coming. The point is not to have sex with anyone because sex and violence have no distinction in a confined environment and men recognize the predatory nature and tendency of man. Don't assume anyone is a friend and never smile. Don't do favors for anyone. Don't accept gifts even small ones from any man (candy, cigarettes, money etc). Remember yes means "yes" maybe means "yes" and most important "no" means "yes" to "sex" in any conversation no matter what the weaker parties intent or the conversational context. Never show fear rather be stoic or show aggression stay as quiet and detached as possible, quiet people are hard to fathom and unpredictable when under attack. Know your escape routes, never turn your back; if you have to flee use your head stay lucid and a fighting retreat can spoil the plans and aggression of an attacker. Last of all prepare yourself to mentally deal with the possibility of gang rape. If men use violence against men in the form of rape in prison then certainly it will be used against weaker and often less savvy women.

3. Cover-up Rules

A woman's best preventative defense is to recover from her mis-education and indoctrination that presents women as sex objects to sell everything from cars to toothpaste. Women put more clothes on for protection to mask the female shape which prevents men from imprinting. When a man sees a woman in a state of undress (and this does not mean she is naked but dressed too scantly) men make assumptions the woman is loose or less worthy of respect. Nuns, Muslim women that cover, and modestly dressed women are treated differently, with more respect and are much less likely to be molested verbally or otherwise by men. Many men control their desires and curiosity when it comes to women but this is not necessarily the rule. A woman displayed in public can incite lust and bad behavior in men the same way a gun brandished in public incites fear and uncertainty. It is not hard to see women that are wearing garments that are too tight, see through, too shear, too small or too short chafe at unwanted male attentions that range from hard stares, cat calls, whistles, to blocking her path and touching. Not to mention men that are seen with women dressed like this don't exactly garner the respect of other men. Men in authority from bosses to policemen are men too and certainly capable of committing heinous crimes against women, so don't be fooled. There are many beautiful types of apparel available for women to look smart while being covered. Men that see women covered are more likely to offer a modicum of respect and keep their distance if nothing else and those with bad intentions are more likely to choose another female victim less dressed. There is no death penalty for rape in most western countries and the burden of proof is on the woman so if nothing else, more clothes will make it at least more difficult for any attacker. How conservative a woman dresses can make her a much smaller target of opportunity.

4. Lifestyle Rules
Drugs, alcohol, questionable locations and late hours open up so many opportunities for rape one hardly knows where to begin. Women seen in this frame work are in serious trouble no matter how many times they have lived through it without incident it only has to go wrong once. Women that have decided to be drug addicts alcoholics prostitutes, or just happen to live on the streets tend to instinctively know rape is a definite part in their world. Rape leaves them with survival skills, STD's, PTSD, and another filthy memory awash in a sea of substance abuse, poverty and fear. However no one prepares or warns the new female recruit fresh from home about the military services which are more dangerous rape and sexual assault wise than any dark street corner or alleyway. The news contains a litany of articles and stories about females being sexually mis-treated while in the military but the general public only seems to turn a blind eye when confronted with this disturbing truth. Media sources remain relatively mute when the subject of rape is mentioned in conjunction with the military. Instead the focus is on "don't ask don't tell" when in reality the spotlight needs to be on female rights and safety in the military and the phase should be "don't tell don't ask" because this is the real "defacto" policy of the military. Male soldiers are directly or indirectly responsible for more female enlisted deaths injuries and attacks than the Taliban or the so called Al Qaeda combined. The families of the female enlisted victims cannot seem to get true and correct information from the military let alone consistent actual arrests and convictions. Therefore the military is a very hazardous lifestyle choice for any woman, in fact more dangerous than being on the streets doing drugs and alcohol. Choose a lifestyle after careful consideration but never assumed that even lifestyles of the norm are safe.

5. Combat Rules
Violence is something to be avoided at all cost, unless the cost is your right to your own personal physical and mental well being. For a woman facing a serious threat from a man or men bent on the violence of rape the play book of human kindness immediately goes out the window. In fact she will find that her best savior is herself and this will require conviction and commitment. Even the most fearful woman must dig down deep to find the where with all to do what she must, "survive"! The women of Bosnia, Chechnya, Darfur, Kashmir, Rwanda, Uganda, and thousands of rape victims in the USA can tell about the horrors of being in a rape situation and how they wish they could have avoided being a victim if only they could have defended themselves. Women often first respond to an impending attack with fear and indecision this conveniently paralyzes them at the most crucial moment. At that moment a woman must react by doing what the attacker least expects commit to combat "hit harder faster more often and hit him first"! Of course sharp contact with vital sensitive areas of the male anatomy can have the added beneficial effect of making any male attacker unable to perform or perpetuate an attack. This is something that is not hard to do regardless of height weight or strength but women are almost never taught this. I urge all women take a few hours learn some form of self defense get use to the feeling of combat and how to keep yourself calm and thinking during it, because attackers tend to be careless, arrogant and make a lot of mistakes. A little preparation and a lot of conviction to self preservation are better than a million hours of post rape counseling; counsel yourself to "win" before it ever happens!

Seattle, Washington, United States
An independent writer that seeks to bring to the forefront alternative and non status quo ideas' is committed to seek and pass on views on dieting that delve into the non conformist views while highlighting the human factors of individuality par circumstance.
View my complete profile

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Habib_Thompson

Spiritual Transformation Begins Within

Yesterday, one of my dear friends talked about the importance of the New Thought movement where the goal of humanity is to realize its oneness. It is our purpose as teachers to help others manifest this idea in their personal lives. Together, we observed the numerous people who diligently work to move themselves into higher levels of conscious awareness. They travel worldwide to attend spiritual programs that help forward their own growth, and then come home to show people the way of oneness by offering support and nurturing.

Accepting the responsibility of such spiritual leadership means we become an example. To reach out and uplift another means we offer encouragement to a person who meets resistance in their challenging experiences. Often helping someone move forward is more powerful than getting that individual to attend a workshop or a class, which we may think shifts a person to a new point of view or gives them a push in the "right" direction. As an inter-faith, inter-cultural community, who are we to say what will forward their spiritual growth? If we raise ourselves, doesn't that mean we transform collective humanity?

There are many of us who "just hold space" and what may appear as inaction or "doing nothing-ness" are actually providing a container of energy for others to explore. We live from our heart-center in unique ways. I write books, and within them, there is always a soft invitation to higher conscious awareness, a secret door to open that leads us to greater recognition of the Divine Presence from which to draw strength. By pushing this door open at our own speed, we discover the power to live every day in total awareness of God's presence.

One measure of success in the Oneness movement is to practice the teachings in everyday life. A practitioner becomes the teaching and radiates its energy. You can do this by speaking kindly to someone at the dry cleaners, blessing a friend, sending deeksha by intention, or expressing joy and bliss at the office. Your energy will uplift others - it's the way God works.

As our Western Mind sorts out the value of "being" and "doing" let's remain conscious of who we are in relationship to the Presence. With that thought today, I've included a beautiful poem for your meditation:


I Am the presence you have been waiting for,

I have come before you not to be judged,

I have come before you to be loved.

As you do to me-you do to yourself.

Recognize your imperfections, love your faults

and in that moment you shall become I Am That I Am.

- Sanatkumara

Om Shanti and Every Blessing,


Copyright © 2010 by The Goddess Network, Inc. and Charlene M. Proctor, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

The Rev. Dr. Charlene M. Proctor of The Goddess Network is the best-selling author of Let Your Goddess Grow! and The Women's Book of Empowerment. A Blessing facilitator and a Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking, she is dedicated to helping awaken individuals from all walks of life to the magnificence of their own Divine gifts. Visit http://www.charleneproctor.com for many books, workshops, and recordings and her blog at http://charleneproctor.com/blog/!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Charlene_Proctor

How to Tighten Loose Skin After Pregnancy

New mothers will often experience having loose skin after pregnancy and a lot of these new moms will undergo plastic surgery to restore their youthful appearance but very few can afford surgery after having a baby. Though it can be so hard to look at and worry about this problem there are some very affordable ways to tighten up your skin.

Exercise and weight training can help increase the elasticity of your skin. Have you ever noticed those fitness models, which after having a baby, look like they never carried a baby for nine months. Trust me when I say they're not special, those workouts did the job and they will do the job for you.

Light skin creams can help tighten your skin. The trick is to massage your favorite cream on those trouble areas for a few minutes, in a circular motion. This will help your blood cells under your skin come alive. Use creams to restore lost moisture, the moisture you've lost during pregnancy.

Use fun bath sponges on your body to get rid of dead skin! If you're not on your cycle you should take as many mineral baths as possible. Take the sponge and rub your skin. You'll feel refreshed and revived.

If you can't wait and need instant results, try covering up your problem areas with makeup. You can create a camouflage appearance by using self tanners, foundation and concealer coverage. If you're walking on the beach in a two piece, you will be the only person to know anything about your flaws.

Finally, try a body wrap. You can get it professionally done or you can do it yourself in the comfort of your own home. This technique will help rid your body of toxins and it will tighten dry, loose skin. Try getting your wraps done every five to six months and you'll see results, you might even lose a few inches.

Gain a New Crown and a New Look with the Eye Shadow Queen! Beauty is Just Around The Corner, Discover What's New In Makeup.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Faye_Davis

Good Health Advice for New Moms

It's one of the most miraculous and stressful times in a woman's life- being a new mom. The constant on-the-go of new motherhood can leave you feeling tired, worn, and generally unhealthy. Taking good care of yourself is one of the best ways to ensure that you can take great care of your child. The following are some tips that will help you adjust to new motherhood and start feeling like your old self again.

Take it slow - In this type A world a lot of moms feel like they have to get back in to shape right away, back to work right away... Give yourself enough time to adjust. Your body has been through a lot and should be given time to ease back into things. It will be better and healthier for both you and your baby in the long run.

Take naps - Sure, maybe your baby's nap time would be a great time to get that laundry done and, sure, maybe you think you're used to not sleeping after a while, but, believe you me, your body knows the difference. Getting a healthy amount of sleep is the core of all health. Missing out on a solid 8-hour stretch can throw your hormones, adrenals, and brain chemistry out of whack. Try to catch up when you can.

Don't crash diet - A crash diet isn't going to keep the weight off in the long run. Besides, if you're breastfeeding it can cause problems and lower your milk supply. The consensus is these days that the only diet that works is healthy, smaller, more frequent meals. Eating whole foods (not over-processed) in this manner will help your metabolism and stimulate your milk supply.

Walk - Walking is not only great exercise, it's also a great opportunity for you and the baby to get some fresh air. Go to the park, see some trees, say hi to some neighbors. It will do a lot for your health and your sense of well-being.

Socialize - One of the greatest stressors of being a new mother is the isolation. You're often on duty 24/7. Even with the most helpful and supportive partner, you can still feel like you're cut off from the world. Mental health is a huge part of overall health- make sure you take some time to get out and see friends or even make new ones.

Written for the owner of http://advocatesfortheindependent.com/ This article can be reproduced in whole or in part, providing this byline is included along with a followable link to http://advocatesfortheindependent.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jill_Manty

Fun With Accessorizing

Imagine opening the doors of your closet and be dazzled by cute little blings blings. Spoilt for choices and not knowing which accessory to go with your outfit? Accessorizing can be of so much fun and need not be an expensive activity. Modern parents nowadays enjoy donning their kids with accessories to add more colors and vibrancies into their childhood.

So what kind of accessories are we looking at? We are looking at accessories that can give you a special kind of personality, a little different from your usual mundane appearance, something that enhances your overall image. For example, sweater chains are good choices to go with your casual wear. They can be of really creative designs like a string of lucky stars lined with shiny stones or in the design of a mixture of pearls, charms and ribbons. If you are going for something more formal for a company function, you can go for the ever favorite 925 sterling silver jewelry that is simple yet glamorous.

If you are a silver lover, be sure to take care of your jewelry pieces such as keeping them away from direct sunlight, water and chemicals when you are not putting them on. It is also best to invest in a silver polishing cloth to clean them up once a month.

Deciding on how you want to keep your accessories can be just as fun. Invest in an earring stand and arrange all earrings of the same color in a row can be neat to the eye.

You can also hang your dangling chains on a hanger holder so that you can show them to friends and relatives during home visits. Alternatively, if you have cash to spare, you can make a special showcase like those in jewelry shops and lay out your accessories collection for your viewing pleasure. If you have a wide variety of necklaces or chains, you can actually mix and match the chains and pendants.

Wondering where to get that accessory you need? There are many shops around your vicinity that offer a wide range of affordable fashion accessories to meet your daily needs. Getting online to purchase that dream piece of accessory is becoming increasingly common now. Look for a site that is user friendly and you can shop happily from home.

Dazzling Image, an e-tailer of accessories is a recommended one stop solution to meet your fashion needs.

Hence, shop now and join in the fun of accessorizing! You will never be disappointed.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tan_Chee_Siong

Compelling Reasons For Women To Train With Weights

As a fitness personal trainer for many years, I came across hundreds of female clients who tell me that they do not want to lift weights for the fear of getting bulky muscles. They just want to be in good shape and to get the slim and well toned body that they desire.

This instruction to me is very contradictory because if you do not lift weights, how then can you get a sexy well toned body? If girls just want to lose weight without weight resistant exercises, they will just become smaller but without the sexy curves that training with weights can give.

So sometimes I have to sneakily introduce some body weight resistance exercises to these lady clients which have about the same effect as lifting weights to tone their bodies. Those exercises are in fact lifting weights, just that they are not doing them with dumbbells and barbells, but with their own natural body weight.

Therefore this article will show you some very compelling reasons about why women should train with weights.

Effective Fat Loss - Research done by Dr Wayne Westcott, PhD of South Shore YMCA in Quincy, Massachusetts pointed out that women who train with weights three times a week for 2 months will gain nearly two pounds of muscle but will lose 3.5 pounds of body fat. In other words, you will lose ugly and unhealthy body fat and at the same time gain some muscles to tone and shape your body to look sexier and be healthier.

Gain Strength Without Bulky Muscles - The main reason women do not train with weights is because they fear gaining bulky muscles. This is perhaps the greatest myth about women training with weights.

Researchers unanimously agree that unlike men, women don't gain much size from weight training because women have 10 - 30 times less testosterone than men. You need testosterone hormone to build muscle size and women simply do not have enough of them.

Stop comparing yourself to the female bodybuilders because they are under very special centralized training and nutrition feeding to get muscular. If men already have so much difficulty in gaining big muscles, what more for women?

Prevention Of Heart Diseases - According to Dr. Barry Franklin of William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, Michigan, weight training can improve cardiovascular health in many ways, such as the lowering "bad" cholesterol and increasing your level of "good" cholesterol and also lowering your blood pressure. As a personal trainer, I have personally seen these beneficial effects in many of my clients.

Prevention Of Arthritis and Osteoporosis - It is a fact that women are more prone to getting bone and joint diseases like osteoporosis and arthritis. Many researches have compellingly confirmed that weight training can increase bone density and strengthen your joints thus is very helpful in preventing osteoporosis and arthritis.

Prevention Of Diabetes - Researchers have also found that weight training may improve the way the body processes sugar, which probably will reduce the risk of having crippling diabetes. They found out that weight training can increase glucose utilization in the body by up to about 25% in a matter of just four months.

So ladies, if you want to be healthy, staving away some potentially fatal diseases and getting into a great sexy body shape, then stop giving excuses about weight lifting and start doing them now!

Chris Chew is a sought after fitness consultant who counts models, actors and other celebrities as his clients. Visit his websites at Women Lose Weight and Slim Slender Arms and Thighs

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_Chew

How To Become A Sexy Woman

Many people asked me about how to become a sexy woman and I gave them different answers. Being sexy is the spiritual state that you have, which has nothing to do with your hot body or attractive hair.

1. Be confident.

Please be confident. Being confident is the first step to become a sexy woman. Try to find your own sparkling spots and tell yourself you feel great every morning. Remember, no one will notice you if you don't even love yourself.

2. Believe in yourself.

Please believe in yourself. You are the most special woman in the world because there's no other woman who can imitate you. You are the unique flower among the people and no one will destroy your beauty. Just love the way you are.

3. Make some changes to your appearance.

When was the last time you look at yourself carefully in the mirror? It's time to take really good care of your body. Check your hair and complexion. Do they look bright or pale? Get some new skin care products or a new bottle of shampoo. Check your whole body carefully and don't ignore tiny parts such as your armpits, knees or your heels. Details decide everything.

4. Take some dancing lessons.

Dancing is magic. Dancing improves your body figure, raises your elegance and brings countless health benefits. Just take dancing lessons whatever you like; salsa, hip-hop, ballet, belly dancing, anything will do.

5. Try sexy lingerie.

The item on which women should spend most money is lingerie. Lingerie takes care of your body at least 14 hours every day. Lingerie is your most intimate friend and she knows your whole body even better than yourself. Can you imagine the pleasure rising from the bottom of your heart when you put on a piece of fancy, chic, wonderful, gorgeous and sexy lingerie? Just feel the confidence sexy lingerie could bring to you.

6. Act like yourself.

You don't have to imitate anyone while there's no one who can imitate you. Just act the way you are and that's what a naturally sexy woman would do.

When you finish all the things above, I believe you have already made the first steps of becoming a sexy woman. I hope this tutorial is helpful to you. Remember, God always helps!

Life is beautiful and I want to cherish it with people I love. I like to write about love, relationship, job, fitness, sexual health, skin care, fashion and everything about how to make life more interesting.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joan_Miss

Body + Clothes + Personality = Harmony

For much of the 20th century women thought that their clothing should "mask" what was beneath. Thankfully, that thinking has pretty much gone by the way-side; however, many women still try to cover their figure flaws by wearing clothing that does not follow the natural line of their bodies. It may sound odd, but the best way to accentuate figure assets and draw attention away from figure flaws is to wear clothing that conforms to your bone structure.

To determine what clothing will harmonize with your body you need to look at these four areas; your shoulders; your waist and your hips. What you want to look for is whether the bones in these areas are rounded our angular. Take for example your shoulders. Do they curve gently from your neck into your arms - or are they a straight line into another straight line from your neck to your arms? When looking at your waist; does it curve in and back out at your hips - or does your waist have little, or no, curve to it? Are your hips straight and somewhat narrow - or do have a very definite roundness to them?

Please DO NOT think that rounded is "fat" and angular is "thin". That could not be further from the truth! We are looking at the bone structure underneath the skin...NOT the amount of flesh covering those bones. You might be rounded or angular in all four of these areas however, most women are rounded in one or two areas and angular in the others. If the latter is you, then you are a hybrid...not rounded or angular, but a combination...just like an egg. Its oval shape is part rounded and part angular.

A side note: An oval (hybrid) face shape is considered the perfect. This shape allows the most freedom in hairstyle and clothing neckline choices. A rounded or angular face shape will limit the shape necklines that look the best on you. Rounded or princess necklines will frame a rounded face whereas square necklines or deep v-necks will be the best choice for an angular face or square jaw line.

You create harmony between your body and your clothing by choosing fabrics and clothing lines that follow your bone structure. Where you are rounded you should choose soft, flowing or filmy fabrics; gathers ruffles and bows. Accordingly, stiffer-bodied fabrics in clothing with straight detail lines such as pleats and darts will create harmony with angular bone structures.

Every woman has her own unique personality traits that determine the kinds of clothing she is most comfortable in. It is important to consider your personality when making clothing choices. It does not matter how beautiful your clothing is OR how great the color is on you OR how much your friend likes it...if it does not suit your personality, the overall impact will not be as harmonious as it could be. Your body language will tattle on you when you are not mentally comfortable in what your wear.

Women with dramatic personalities want to draw attention to themselves. They will choose trendy styles, bold colors and designs and dramatic accessories. Your message when you walk into a room is - look at me. A textured sweater tunic in a jewel tone with neutral leggings and boots suit you perfectly.

Those of us who are practical, meticulous and cost/quality conscious are comfortable in well-made coordinated classic clothing such as a classic blouse, skirt and princess flats. We are at ease with our message - my style is timeless.

However, if your idea of a perfect outfit is a little dress and a strappy heeled sandal, you probably love to dress up and would never be caught dead without your makeup. It is very important that your message convey that - you are always put together.

Comfort at all cost - is the final message some of us want to convey. We are athletic, natural galls who are drawn to natural fiber, "no-fuss" clothing. What we wear is not as important to us as whether they are functional and comfortable.

There is no right or wrong when it comes to personal style. However, each style type has its drawbacks. •Dramatic women must be cautious that they do not steal the show when that is not appropriate.

•Make certain, if you love classic clothing, to mix it up a bit so that you are not boring.

•Frilly, filmy dresses with heels may appear too "sexy" for an office work setting. Save the look for evening.

•Natural style woman have to work at dressing up when that is what the occasion calls for.

In other words, whatever your style signature is - use some creativity and ingenuity to match the occasion.

This is one part of fashion that is ALL ABOUT YOU! So have fun and enjoy making harmony between your body, personality and clothes!

Carin Hansen was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 40. After a long battle she emerged victorious and began a one-on-one wardrobe and beauty consulting business for other women journeying through cancer. She has been a model, actress, talent agency owner, benefit founder, certified acting/modeling instructor, writer, speaker and passionate cancer advocate. It is important to remember that Carin is not a physician and does not subscribe to or recommend any particular medical procedure or alternative treatment. She strongly urges you to consult with your Primary Physician, Oncologist and/or Surgeon before implementing any of her advice.
Please visit http://www.bridges2beauty.net for helpful and hopeFULL information and products related to health, beauty and cancer. On her site you can request a free pdf or purchase a copy of Carin's book, A Woman's Cancer Journey Primer, subscribe to her free monthly newsletter Cancer Answers or request a personal phone consultation. Here is a direct link to purchase the book: http://www.bridges2beauty.net/catalog/item/4753742/4807746.htm

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carin_Hansen

Christmas Baby Clothes

This holiday season shower your child with new baby clothes. Make sure that your children look their best in new holiday sweaters and pants. Ensure that your child is picture perfect all bundled up in the cold weather when you family gathers for that holiday picture.

Find the best baby clothes for your little munchkin. Choose from girl's dresses in taffeta, velveteen, and tulle. Make sure your little princess looks that part this holiday season. Whether is black, red and pink skirts or plaid and patterned dresses make sure that your little girl always looks her best. When you look back on photographs of baby's first Christmas, smile to remember your baby clothes in these adorable little dresses. You can also find little leggings to pair with holiday dresses. With sweaters and wraps this winter,your baby will always be cozy and warm. By pairing this look with a tiny pair of patent leather shoes, you'll be sure to melt any relatives heart.

Dress your baby boy in warm holiday baby clothes. Search for seasonal plaid one-piece woven bodysuits in all colors. Be sure to dress your baby in style by matching a tiny baby polo with jeans and khakis. Finally, dress your baby boy in argyle sweaters to complete this festive look. You want you baby boy's holiday clothing to be both durable and adorable. Find clothing that will look great, but will stand up to the treatment your son will give it. Make sure that you son looks amazing in his khakis and sweaters during the photographs then easily throw them in the dryer to be cleaned. When it comes to holiday clothes there is no exception, they can still get just as dirty as everyday clothing. Be prepared for rambunctious boys and girls this holiday season with adorable, affordable, and washable baby clothes.

Whether shopping for your children or someone else's, find baby clothes to fit all sizes and occasions. As most kids clothing are sized according to age, if you know the birthday (or have a close guess), you know the right size to buy. Find 6 month sweaters, 12 month taffeta dresses, and 24 month jeans. Don't forget to find that special pair of pajamas for your precious little boy or girl. Holiday pajamas are the ideal gift to give. It is impossible to have too many pairs of pajamas, especially adorable holiday ones that are bound to please. Find Santa Clause or reindeer decorated pajamas. Whether it be frilly nightgrowns or PJ bodysuits, a pair of pajamas will meet your childs needs. Friends and family will love how adorable your little one looks on Christmas morning in their holiday pajamas.

Be sure to find the right baby clothes this holiday season. Whether it is for your childen or your friend's child, holiday clothing is sure to be a great gift. Find festive holiday wear, as well as clothing for after the holidays as well. During the holidays, there are lots of sales to be found on all sorts of children's clothing. Start shopping today and have a very Merry Christmas!

Suzan prefers baby clothes for her babies. shopping for kids clothes is her favorite hobby.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Suzan_Ferrar

Bridal Pearl Jewelry - Where Pearls Come From and Why They Are Great on Your Wedding Day

Pearls are produced by mollusks including oysters, mussels and clams. However, mussels and clams rarely produce them while oysters commonly produce them no matter if they are in freshwater or in saltwater.

The idea that pearls are produced from sand intruding into the shell of an oyster is false. Sand is an inorganic material while the gems are formed by organic materials that are caught inside the oyster. As a defense mechanism, the oyster wraps the organic material with a substance called nacre, resulting to what is known as mother of pearl.

Most people believe that pearls should have an imperfect form since they are products of nature. However, there are those that are formed perfectly and these are considered very valuable pearls. Unlike the common belief that pearls are usually white, pearls come in various colors like black, green, red and even blue. Different-colored pearls can be found all over the world but only the South Pacific has produced black pearls.

Among the kinds of pearls are cultured pearls either in saltwater or freshwater. South Sea pearls produced by golden lipped oysters and are cultured in Indonesia and Tahitian pearls or black pearls that are produced by black lipped oysters and are cultured in Cook Islands or in the French Polynesia.

So how can one determine if it is real or an imitation? Real pearls tend to feel sandy when rubbed along the edge of the front teeth while imitation ones fell smooth.

Aside from the kinds of oyster from which pearls are produced, the quality is determined according to their luster or shine. Thick nacres that have been left in the water longer are generally shinier. The shape is also important and the rounder, the better. The larger the pearl, the rarer they are and the more expensive.

There is a legend that Cleopatra dissolved a pearl in a glass of wine before drinking it, simply to win a bet with Marc Antony that she could consume the entire wealth of a nation in just one meal. However, in another version of that story, it was intended to help her win Antony's heart. In ancient Rome, the pearl was the decisive symbol of affluence and social standing, while the ancient Greeks associated it with love, marriage, and unrivaled attractiveness. The Greeks also believed the pearl would encourage marital accord and prevent new brides from crying. During the Dark Ages, knights wore pearls on the battleground, believing they had the magic to shield them from injury.

Learn more and get great deals on Bridal Pearl Jewelry.

For more information, visit Bridal Pearl Jewelry on the web at http://bridalpearljewelry.net/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matt_Baehr

All About Hair Removal Prices

In these days when cosmetic beauty is given the utmost importance and the main thing that matters is that everybody look good, it is important to know all about cosmetic procedures and related things so that this knowledge can come in handy whenever you need information about these procedures. The best part is that this information is actually absolutely free and you can find it anywhere when you need it. Another great thing is that this information can also be readily had not just from the internet but also from easily accessible professionals who are waiting to answer all your queries about this.

Hair removal is a cosmetic procedure in the fact that it is a procedure that if not done, will not have any major or even minor ill effect on the body. The main goal of a cosmetic procedure like removal of hair is to make sure that the appearance of the person is improved and also that the person who has undergone such a cosmetic procedure such as removal of hair should look better than what it was before the procedure.

Hair removal is something that is very varied as far as prices are concerned and this is why it is difficult to find some hard information. One of the main things that removal of hair costs depend on is the procedure that is being employed to remove the hair. There are several ways to permanently remove hair and two of the most popular that are commercially used are laser hair removal and also by electrolysis. These two methods are vastly different from each other as while one uses a laser to remove hair, the other uses electric currents to kill the roots of the hair so that hair doesn't grow back again.

You can read more information about hair removal prices, and read exclusive reviews vitamins hair loss from my websites.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Terry_Askew