Body + Clothes + Personality = Harmony

For much of the 20th century women thought that their clothing should "mask" what was beneath. Thankfully, that thinking has pretty much gone by the way-side; however, many women still try to cover their figure flaws by wearing clothing that does not follow the natural line of their bodies. It may sound odd, but the best way to accentuate figure assets and draw attention away from figure flaws is to wear clothing that conforms to your bone structure.

To determine what clothing will harmonize with your body you need to look at these four areas; your shoulders; your waist and your hips. What you want to look for is whether the bones in these areas are rounded our angular. Take for example your shoulders. Do they curve gently from your neck into your arms - or are they a straight line into another straight line from your neck to your arms? When looking at your waist; does it curve in and back out at your hips - or does your waist have little, or no, curve to it? Are your hips straight and somewhat narrow - or do have a very definite roundness to them?

Please DO NOT think that rounded is "fat" and angular is "thin". That could not be further from the truth! We are looking at the bone structure underneath the skin...NOT the amount of flesh covering those bones. You might be rounded or angular in all four of these areas however, most women are rounded in one or two areas and angular in the others. If the latter is you, then you are a hybrid...not rounded or angular, but a combination...just like an egg. Its oval shape is part rounded and part angular.

A side note: An oval (hybrid) face shape is considered the perfect. This shape allows the most freedom in hairstyle and clothing neckline choices. A rounded or angular face shape will limit the shape necklines that look the best on you. Rounded or princess necklines will frame a rounded face whereas square necklines or deep v-necks will be the best choice for an angular face or square jaw line.

You create harmony between your body and your clothing by choosing fabrics and clothing lines that follow your bone structure. Where you are rounded you should choose soft, flowing or filmy fabrics; gathers ruffles and bows. Accordingly, stiffer-bodied fabrics in clothing with straight detail lines such as pleats and darts will create harmony with angular bone structures.

Every woman has her own unique personality traits that determine the kinds of clothing she is most comfortable in. It is important to consider your personality when making clothing choices. It does not matter how beautiful your clothing is OR how great the color is on you OR how much your friend likes it...if it does not suit your personality, the overall impact will not be as harmonious as it could be. Your body language will tattle on you when you are not mentally comfortable in what your wear.

Women with dramatic personalities want to draw attention to themselves. They will choose trendy styles, bold colors and designs and dramatic accessories. Your message when you walk into a room is - look at me. A textured sweater tunic in a jewel tone with neutral leggings and boots suit you perfectly.

Those of us who are practical, meticulous and cost/quality conscious are comfortable in well-made coordinated classic clothing such as a classic blouse, skirt and princess flats. We are at ease with our message - my style is timeless.

However, if your idea of a perfect outfit is a little dress and a strappy heeled sandal, you probably love to dress up and would never be caught dead without your makeup. It is very important that your message convey that - you are always put together.

Comfort at all cost - is the final message some of us want to convey. We are athletic, natural galls who are drawn to natural fiber, "no-fuss" clothing. What we wear is not as important to us as whether they are functional and comfortable.

There is no right or wrong when it comes to personal style. However, each style type has its drawbacks. •Dramatic women must be cautious that they do not steal the show when that is not appropriate.

•Make certain, if you love classic clothing, to mix it up a bit so that you are not boring.

•Frilly, filmy dresses with heels may appear too "sexy" for an office work setting. Save the look for evening.

•Natural style woman have to work at dressing up when that is what the occasion calls for.

In other words, whatever your style signature is - use some creativity and ingenuity to match the occasion.

This is one part of fashion that is ALL ABOUT YOU! So have fun and enjoy making harmony between your body, personality and clothes!

Carin Hansen was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 40. After a long battle she emerged victorious and began a one-on-one wardrobe and beauty consulting business for other women journeying through cancer. She has been a model, actress, talent agency owner, benefit founder, certified acting/modeling instructor, writer, speaker and passionate cancer advocate. It is important to remember that Carin is not a physician and does not subscribe to or recommend any particular medical procedure or alternative treatment. She strongly urges you to consult with your Primary Physician, Oncologist and/or Surgeon before implementing any of her advice.
Please visit for helpful and hopeFULL information and products related to health, beauty and cancer. On her site you can request a free pdf or purchase a copy of Carin's book, A Woman's Cancer Journey Primer, subscribe to her free monthly newsletter Cancer Answers or request a personal phone consultation. Here is a direct link to purchase the book:

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