Statistics in Infertility

It is a horrific war for many couples and the record number of partners with war following that up. To health insurance and infertility general expressions that can not become pregnant after trying for ten. two months. the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in 2002, 1.2 million to 62 million women in reproductive age have medical appointments related to infertility problems associated with medical care prior to twelve months. figure out. to about 2 percent of reproductive age women. In addition, 8 percent have a doctor appointment, it involved some time in the past. These services are not fertile and diagnostic tests to determine infertility counseling and medical treatment. to assist in the pregnant women and other non-regular service to prevent miscarriage.

Contrary to popular belief infertile women not only conditions. CDC study analyzing data from the 2002 Survey of Family Growth. The study found that 7.5% of sexually experienced men to report for assistance with the children. time during their lives. This is equal to 3.3 to 4.7 million men. 18.1% of those who ask for help diagnose problems with male infertility related. these problems, infertility problems, including sperm or sperm of 13.7 percent. Time and varicocele 5.9 percent of the time. two million pairs also reported that they are not in the 12 months before even trying this. is it a result of approximately 7.3 million women and partners in the U.S. equates to approximately 12 percent of the population of reproductive age. .

What are the possible causes of Infertility?

The CDC no doubt the number of multiple causes infertility list continues to grow.

Tubal infertile affect 18% of couples trying to help reproductive technology (ART) in order to overcome infertility. This is often inflammatory from chronic pelvic disease (PID) and will lead to. scarring tubal. Scarring Tubal preventable by early detection and treatment of HIV infection, venereal disease, especially chlamydia. Over1 million chlamydia cases were reported each year, CDC.
Percentage of infertility due to male factors varicocele is not known. But this condition is reported about fifty percent of inpatient services, surgery, and about two-thirds of office visits for male factor infertility in the United States.
Environmental hazards and accounting professionals do not know the number of infertility. Dangers of these questions cause a decrease in human sperm quality in the industry. About 84,000 chemicals in the workplace, the statistics say 2,000 new chemicals every year. But the information. Reproductive toxicity can use a few thousand.

While these statistics have only a few oscillation may be caused by infertility. Smoking and obesity, medical conditions, the figures also record.

Donald Ray worked for more than 20 years of consulting with all partners and family issue is one of the most painful Infertility. He is the author and his latest eBook "hidden secrets of Infertility" and. Other articles may be;

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Finish like you started

Day after Thanksgiving Day on most weekends to enjoy contact with family members and go out with friends. But if you are a carrier or Ministry leader today for most of us are working on. A day. work because we believe that the vision God has for us is one that we have the passion about what we use when we can close the building and building. We create new ideas and areas of business or revamping our Ministry so. When the new year arrives, we prepared for every opportunity to show. I want to post on this blog with intention and to encourage you to believe. faith in the Lord is your motivation to keep you. I want. ask that you take in the breath and study the word of God with faith and power that you have to believe God for You concluded. I believe that next year will be a time of harvest. and the results are predicated on the stability and. your availability to the end of 2009 left. about 34 days I want you to finish this year with what you have. I recommend that you finish with the same energy you started with. For me I not only prepared me to expect. I know in my heart that I can actually do something that I do to prepare for next season and I expect God to do his part supernatural. So I want to share with you some useful things. I do so to my friends in the New Year:.

Building Block # 1.
Contact your reading.

Read the Bible Book newsletters related to your industry is a good way to study yourself and inspire you to get you the best for the Lord will send new customers your way.

Building Block # 2.
Brainstorm your throat.

If you have a component in the network (logo, web site / blog fixed) I recommend that you check to see if you can use it to Roy. And if you do not have any of these things you need to start with 2010. . I find that low budget website design logo with three ideas and change only $ 27.00. Http: / / view.

Building Block # 3.
Clean and organize your work space.

Removing items that are specific and not joint plan of work, you must be thrown out. Not to mention you may need to upgrade your computer by adding new software, clean, shortcut icons you do not need to turn off your computer and may be held. Sort your workplace or move to an area where you can start the year as efficiency more.

One of my core training program is to provide women with useful elements that they can be used within 72 hours. Scripture tells us that a belief is not working is dead! This means that if you do not believe in your part of your business or the Ministry will be filled with the transaction void. To support my words to you: believe in God do your part and the end as you start!

Nickcole Byrd, MBA is a life and career women over 10 experience in the car business and personal development. Her career as a professional coach, has afforded her many opportunities to help professional women on the floor. Free Newsletter Key your experience. Success in life women:

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Natural ovarian cyst Cures - 3 easy ways to begin the process of natural healing

It is comforting to know the truth is that most cysts will disappear itself in time. So when the doctor gives you facts about the surgery, ensure that your treatments cysts not related to each other near the hospital. Natural Cures are often more effective than surgery in curing and treating the cysts after surgery to exclude a significant change to the life and food, such as cysts may return.

An easy way to begin the process of treatment is to start detoxifying your body. Three examples of this are:.

Increased intake of fiber.
Herbal Teas beverage.
Many drinking water!

Liver will be better able to kickstart handling toxins out during treatment, and suggest how these three samples widely from program to detox. You'll find that if you use less than 2 liters of drinking water per day. you will need to urinate more often! This usually settles down after a few days the body has been used to bring water up. Special strand will be happy to provide a pressure increase on the bottom may cause abdominal pain, other pelvic region.

If you are suffering from pain, test and test how they try to reduce the heating pad or hot water bottle and gently place on the abdomen. Road to recovery is not used or in charge of starting and specifically. No more pain associated with surgery.

If you're interested in learning to safeguard the natural ovarian cysts and to feel good for more information and recommended reading.

Christine Russell operator of Kinesiology and enjoys sharing resources to improve her life. In doing so she created relationships with some experts and recommending their products may be compensation for doing so. .

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You may use water filters or you are one

For the longest time I have heard folks say when they find odd contraption is the kitchen sink and ask what it is they will say I do not have water. Water from the tap only. fine for me. "I've answered you may use water filters or you are one! I guess some people do not know the old adage "be happy" with the team, but when it comes to valuable resources and the most important person in the world must be educated to make their choice or in the case of water supply experience. results.

Associated Press recently said that water shows traces of a prescription drug materials drinking municipal water at least 41 million Americans and 24 major metropolitan areas - from Southern California for all of Northern New Jersey. That one should have you scurrying for the water quality. I. amazed by the hundreds or thousands of dollars each month for health insurance, but will not pay a little water in the well arguably the most important investment they will make their health.The AP also said. At that antibiotics anti convulsants, stabilizers and sex hormones emotions lurking in municipal drinking water. pecs I have different views or not, honey do not be surprised when children study hard? Who said summer and life is easy! People do not care about why the problem can be life threatening in most? May be because when it comes to health, they all know the importance of good fresh water,. They will load up on all vitamins and minerals that are touted as popular as their key well, but important factors. For most species contains 70-80% water is shrinking daily water balance best solvent.

What was viewed only once and experience from other communities that have now come out into the limelight and is seen as one of the most important health problems of our time. It will not get that out of those. water from our well for us, quite contrary. it was just the third world problems that most disease stemmed from a lack of hygiene. you know not to drink water when traveling to Mexico. Our water lurking dangers. that may be responsible for many degenerative diseases. disease occurs in epidemic levels.

In 1998, nearly 12 years, U.S. companies reported Feds (only because they are forced by their pinkies environment) that they have launched more than one billion pounds (450 million kilograms) of toxic and nervous system development in the air. country and water. O What a wee neurotoxins of how organized million folks! Er transfer rights' here and the natural parent care for it. We do not want to hinder your bottom line your industry giants you! Here you go fellows, worry no. Hmm .. you think all the neurotoxins? Oops, nothing that bit Ritalin or Adderol will not care. The way I am sure that you get the geometry to what may be dumped at the legal and illegal economy, our industrial patriarchs 12 years later!

Recent research by the water and well water in the United States but is considered "safe" by some states (think bribe) the standard of even less environmental pollution and heavy industry, may cause severe illness in time. Will only be used as chlorine and President ฅุ. a community that contains options for filtering scampering good, current company name can not be translated by Google! Water to residents in the cities of California have received from their taps might meet most government standards security camera still some health risks and to maintain detailed information on agency's own watchdog. So again I ask a question that why is not everyone screaming "give me a good water filter today!

In Fresno, California study found the risk of drinking water may be quite frightening. The study concluded that pollution from farm and industrial health concern, especially children and pregnant women. Fresno water found "repeated problems" with nitrates. , pesticides and industrial chemicals. condemns them to male farmers when they use the good old fertilizer was composted. if it is not safe for pregnant women and children and those with immune system damage, than the poor. enough for me or you may ... Hello!

Los Angeles in the amount of arsenic and byproducts of disinfectants in water supply and other chemicals. O little arsenic to do what he asked but could disinfectants may kill some bacteria to my disinfecting! Education San Diego, said the chemical perchlorate at a level higher than that accepted by the government. San Francisco is an important issue with disinfectants called trihalomethanes that have been linked to cancer. Well you know what it sounds like drinking water. may not be the case of spinach "against Los Angeles", but there is evidence that may eventually kill you. to see whether the diarrhea or death?

This is a rich and important issues and I will cover in more depth. For now I will suggest you start your research challenges and their families this year and may be faced with until we have some responsibility for the products of culture. thrives in our consumption and waste. I am bit biased but I think the filter used should check that every bit neutral.

Lyons Judah.

Judah began his career working in the body of the Rolf Institute in 1989 as a structural Integration in technical certification, Dr. Ida P. Rolf. After certification by him to the Rolf Institute of Education Association for his structural Integration, Upledger Institute. CranioSacral therapy and sports highlight British Institute focuses on sports injuries.

Judah educational version of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy with Franklyn Sills at Karuna Institute in England two years. He studied visceral to deal with Didier Pratt, DO and operator of Certification of Australia Bowen technique. Judah Lyons approved by the Board. National Certification Board for Massage therapy and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a study has been approved to proceed.

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I have Manolo Blahnik, and I know how to use it

Of an email circulated in cyberspace to talk about what women should and should not be made to avoid the victim of rape or sexual assault.

Finally, the record set straight.

One is to confirm that the number of rapists are looking for what I and a second type of clothing such as women enter the item be removed easily.

This term is incorrect. As law enforcement officers have no such trend has been recorded. I have short hair or long haul or short-life or high, thin or full charge, wearing night in town or looking like they just came from. gym every victim certainly can. U.S. in 2006, well over 2 million women reported having been victims of violent crimes such as rape, sexual assault and then rob and assault.

Rape and sexual assault are not about sex quickly. Who may rape because they want to impress his friends by his loss of purity or because he wanted to avenge the woman who rejected him. Is frequently made of. rage or risk punishment directed at people with various reasons, including to control and dominate. attack the issue of her clothing rapidly not control factors in the violence is rape.

Misconceptions other men "tend to attack and rape women in the morning between 5:00 am and 8:30" and "number of women abducted or assault with a grocery parking is the number two position in the office park. / garage and number three position as a public restroom. ".

Statistics provided by the U.S. Department of Justice confirmed that approximately two-thirds of rapes and sexual assaults occur between the hours of 6:00 and 6:00, and while the location is important in determining sexual assault is a violent place where danger. If in separate areas. space frequented by many people far less likely to choose the rapist than low out of the way places. to avoid a fight not walk alone in remote areas if you can avoid it. Parking at most other cars with accommodation and make sure the fire area if you are good to go back to your car after dark.

It also said that only two percent of rapists carry a weapon such as gun or knife. But the 2006 National Survey prepared to make a victim of crime by the U.S. Justice Department, the percentage of events in armed assault or sexual assault is. 18 per cent compared with 27.9 percent for violent crimes done.

Fight or not?

If you are a victim of sexual assault, you should try to fight back to good depending.

The National Criminal Justice Reference Service, and reports prepared by anti-IL cooperate to resist sexual assault used to reduce the chance of a rape completed approximately 80 percent. Bottom line is: If someone just wants to. of your weapons and they have them up. In contrast, if the attack will look to rape or rape you record supports the conclusion that you should fight "back. Remember that resistance may be used. simple as making a noise and bring attention to yourself. This "can interfere with the" planning "attacks" and he will lose heart or focus. If you respond with a counter attack to physically monitor the decisions made. because your not changing back. and remember your goal is to win not escape.

It's important to remember that all attacks are personal and different situations and no one correct answer. As a real fight could attack a more exciting is important that you listen before reacting to your gastrointestinal. and to put common sense and experience of the system.


Key to the safety of women is very simple Education. Women must arm themselves with the tools necessary to meet a number of different situations. What might work in the same situation, the offender may not work in another.

Under study at the Ohio University researchers determine how to participate in sexual assault risk reduction program, the opportunities for female college sexual assault. Results indicated that the two-month follow-up three times as many reported rapes. among women who did not use reduced the risk and protect their constituents when compared with those who participate in this type of program.

Aware of safety issues of using your common sense as well premeditation and planning in advance.

National Organization for Women's Safety Awareness developed four basic "recommended" that if the track will greatly reduce the chances of all the victims of molestation or rape.

Thought. Expect to meet your first reaction to occur occur. Ask yourself, "What do I do if ...?

Interference. Trying to stop the development or progress made by the recognition that "DIVA'S 5 steps to safety" by developing a style Safety, Inc:.

Distraction •. Pay attention to your environment and are focused.
Wise •. Always trust your instincts. If something does not feel right it probably will not;
Weaknesses •. Not allow themselves to risk situations.
AAA •. A situation analysis and assessment of hand and ready to respond.
Skills •. Know weapons and natural materials and methods used and when they are hands, fingers, handbags card ATM, whistle, etc. indoor books of those high-heeled Manolo Blahniks, your weapons will be effectively out of combat. attack!

Practices. Body then you will meet and what will you do if someone grabs or attacks you. Made as a child that you practice fire drill.

Speed and Strength. Respond with strength and purpose. You may have a small window of opportunity to do and also a small amount of time to escape.

Some basic knowledge of personal protection strategies!

It may take several years of specialized training in any martial art, but you do not need a Black Belt in order to protect themselves. All women should know at least a few basic yet highly effective strategy department. received.

• One of the most forceful defense moved to strike SWIFT neck area just below Adam's Apple with your hand or disrespectful. Ever think that "shock and run.".
• more effective response is to push both hands in chin attackers, forced his head to fly back.
• But more effective is to move the drive side / edge of your hands directly under the central people's nose.
• Jabbing your hand into the mouth, it can be quite successful as well.
• Finally, if you come to the floor, try to stand up immediately. If you do not maintain your body behind you round your feet up. The guilty with foot and leg kicks. If people are at the top of your time. you back on your elbows and your hands on your face. and then try to find out who the pelvis bumping your hips with your strong for him to balance. When he falls sent to try to roll. to the side and get up.

However, the above information may seem daunting is important that women are not in fear because of the confidence and positive attitude of two of their strongest weapons. Women's lives should be amazing, but while doing so remember to eyes. They open their walk with head up high and shoulders back a little bit. Manolos for women to drop your Louis Vuitton clutch your arm and body with nature and safety!

Please share the article with her daughter, sister and mother of young women all your life. May help them.

Lidia Szczepanowski, Esq. New York 20 years practice as a lawyer who founded the National Organization for Women's Safety Awareness, Inc, 501 (c) (3) non-profit and all Lidia, Inc, http: / / / famous national "modern safety seminars" and "Diva's Crystal Whistles. she's more than 10 years of coaching, martial arts, holding Black Belt in karate and is currently training in mixed martial arts and martial art of Russia. Systema. Lidia is Mrs. New York America 2006 and Mrs. New York International 2,009.

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Mastermind group for Professional Women?

When pumpkin Hill recommended the sage in his book "think and grow Rich", he explained the concept of energy in this "no two minds ever come together to create a third force by the intangible invisible, which may be likened to. be the third. Professional women who want for the future with a clear purpose and a commitment to themselves and others, this may be an effective tool.

Highlight the specific needs and goals people have the opportunity to see things in new ways and to overcome fear of change. Many people find that a good candidate for the mastermind in the network industry professionals. Think women focus on. With help develop understanding of themselves or of different fields and understand the problems of professional women together and sparking careers together.

Right, but when these rules and will not occur often the crash. One of the most important rules of the thinker to a term. If there is any agenda often drift in and outside the industry. Agenda. must be circulated so members of each group (number of suitable holding 5-10) have considered it time.

Highlight important agenda. Suggest that problems of women, etc. Plan to focus on time. This means that sometimes need to return your patience. Really focus on one thing at a time, mostly to find creative solutions group.

This commitment is what you may have the largest group mastermind effective. Not people the ability to make the conference a number of reasons, most be the mastermind failed. Professional women, so that people will be. You may be able to find time to add?

The answer is to use the online forum. Many women find that working just fine using them as a stage. The way you can string a set agenda and ready to go on from this set. . mastermind of the group you should have at least a week or more to mull over agenda. The time from the meeting 'and it worked perhaps two days. distributed to meeting a few days each woman the opportunity to' join 'and together time. her convenience.

The thinker and can work. One of the best things about careers is that women know that they are committed and know how to be flexible. With everyone in the group understands that only professional women's special problems which will be available. to reach no.

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The women - Defense - 5 tips to keep you safe

When it comes to the women's - most anti unprepared to deal with most situations. This unfortunate because it takes only a few training to ward off defender.

This five tips to protect yourself and keep yourself safe in many situations is. Remember that the most important tip is to practice practice practice. Not wait until you attack will have to use what you learn.

1. Determine risk areas.

The best way to stop the attack hit them in the risk area. Five areas you should know the easiest on the eyes as football, ears, groin and neck. All five of these areas require less power. possible to produce pain.

2. To Pepper Spray in many places.

Many women have pepper spray but they just have a unit attached to your keychain will be. The best in many agencies so you can keep one in a purse in your keychain and desk people. .

3. Self-Protection Course.

You can get free or reduced cost of women's self defense courses in local or other YMCA centers in local communities. Other good resources on martial arts center that may have only protected program without logging classes. usually true.

4. Venue avoid risk.

Avoid areas where you are alone at night, such as car number, or staircases. If you must work at night to plan your route down the path that you use most, or have someone walk with you or you will find some.

5. Are commonly used.

Finally, the best defense is common sense. It's easy to forget when you attack what you experienced. But try and keep a clear head and provide training to lead.

Remember, your safety ultimately depends on you. Now is the time to learn how to prevent and protect yourself. The FBI, one rape occurs every 29 seconds does not happen to you.

To protect their women to learn how to protect themselves and to learn more about statistics defense.

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The role of women in the world

When you get right down to the world will not be the same women. My older, wiser, and my patience more. I think patience comes from understanding that only comes from living the life of many millions of miles and walked. . people can say what they want, but proof of the notice when they get older they feel insecure by women around. is merely about making a solid home cooking and they can not receive or. other methods.

I recently took the job related to home care and help out with the elderly and close-in. Only around they make me grateful for my body and mind healthy fast. Is a particularly elderly people. living in the trailer wheels 5 permanent accommodation in the camp gardens. His neighbors all single men aged or ม่าย and band together for their comfort food and friendship.

I visit him once a week and work one hour, dusting and cleaning and vacuuming up. As I have, his only friend 'comes by to sit on his balcony. It starts with the neighbor next door. But to end with 4 or 5 people sitting around on the balcony and listen to audio from the trailer. Vacuuming, dusting, washing dishes. I am quick way to capture all of me now and I know they will. together with a female friend in front of them. a woman wielding a vacuum cleaner and make noises as nourishment for the study of them. I do not mind I know I'm just helping them with.

Elderly 'home' confides in the strangest one was something I will think. He hardly knew me, but when he told me that he is a friend 50 miles away from her to him to be a concerted effort to add at least make a clean scent. and good.

I will be ready to leave on that day I fell and whispered to him "when they leave too early do not believe their little excuses. Because it places your stinky, but I made sure that will not happen tonight." . Next week, he told us that they air 'lucky'. I smiled. is the same when you age a little weak and sick and I'm glad I found a way to be certain that others. is. is just amazing gift to offer in these old men who gathered round to kiss the woman while pretending not to see.

So when you feel that women have been neglected or action is to ensure that I do not you change the cold and harsh world. They do not tell you this. They may not realize what this world would not you. In front of you like. doting home doing normal daily tasks as those around you more gifts. will not only clean your home or preparing food. It is a feeling of care that will not come to them with other methods.

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Find a large natural breasts? Herbs are natural mothers milk Solution

Thousands of women worldwide have used herbal breast success for many years. FenuGreek and herbs such as Saw palmetto has helped change the line then and no more chest surgery.

Most women have reported increased use of herbal breast cup size breast in 2 of them. Results are amazing and the best of what they are permanent. Yes, you heard me right, these permanent and do not need. Cosmetic Surgery any no.

Herbal breast physical model of natural estrogen and prolactin are responsible for increased growth of breast tissue in your body using herbal breast to your body naturally stimulated to produce more breast tissue expansion allows for your bustline.

The top three herbs breast building market now FenuGreek, Red clover and Saw palmetto can provide you with all the results you want. These herbal breast enhance the body's hormone levels change, you will. Some significant results. results will differ from young women who are all women are like all women into adolescence differ, so do not expect fantastic growth over the night time to add these to work but you. will begin to see results in 3-4 weeks after the program began. take this amount and longer time to achieve the ideal breast size are you of your breast tissue growth.

Natural Herbal Breast is natures way of developing a wonderful bustline you always need good and reliable natural parent ...

More information can be found here herbal breast support.

R.foley a consultant with over ten years experience. Best4breast he established to assist and advise on all matters related to breast support. Please take the time to visit to explore his options. different that you can use.

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The return of your husband

Principles of IMPACT.

Principles a core requirement for positive revolution.Every want people to have if people can use the right principles. Principles to determine the factors: the failure of the right and wrong good and evil, success and prosperity, poverty and a successful marriage. failed marriage.

Principles that place just down the rules or formulas for setting the display life. Nothing happens by chance and no progress accidents. All have positive irritation by applying the correct principles of rights. Has said that the object is in physics. the rest of their location and effect to. This confirms the fact that any positive effects on life as a result of good strategic calculations. If the majority of women have lost husbands to other women just because they are not principles. can be used. If women are free today parading with husbands of married women primarily because they use principles that will be used by married women, they failed. is one thing for women to marry and those for the other to her. to her home. is one thing for women is for her husband and another for her husband to own.

Failure in principle to the details in relation to marriage. All positive in life is based on principles. Unknown principles that govern the relationship of marriage is a healthy married women often do not know of. Imprisoned not know this woman. In most relationships, marriage, loneliness and suffering. While women lose most polished live happily with the husbands of married women as the principle means for women married to husbands and to own homes. This right implies a well-behaved. mistakes and errors are correct manners. Married women are still not doing correctly and to provide them opportunities to women to take advantage of this failure to their advantage. solution to this dilemma, and not tears. Not suicide, but discovered a principle that is used by women free to attract husbands of married women. When these principles discovered and used by married women are the natural place to their husbands. human. can not leave his wife for another woman if his wife to the husband what to look outside.

When successful women to bring home what husband will look outside to find that the end of the husband. If a man leaves, and not letting other women have expressed an angel, but the problem is not a personality problem, the main problem. For the young to make. home or bring her back her husband needs more than a principle of her personality. I've seen beautiful women lost husbands to women's studies education. I have seen wives lose husbands home for girls home. the problem is not issues but personality. key issues. In this book we will explore the essential principles for the young to make her home or bring her husband back. The first time I came by these principles in action, your husband will return Seminar organized. in Bamenda, Cameroon, thousands of women testified that after regaining husbands they use these principles. If you are a woman reading this book to know that you are one with the knowledge that can change the world. not only read this methodology. and you will be confused with surprises to your wedding will be involved.

If you are single young women know that the information in this book will prepare you to enjoy your wedding and transient. Preparation compliance. The loss of husbands, but women free personality problems and the main problem. to take back your husband will fight principle. women who failed to apply appropriate principles of her marriage shall not in any of her home. buildeth home, her smart women, foolish people, but (one void of principle. successful marriage) with her tears on hands1. Most women are driven by their husbands know, attitude and personality. I believe that this book is for social activities to enhance health and marriage relationship. If you are a woman reading this book I see you are a clever woman to build her home and not let stupid to tear down her home.


"On seven women will be considered one of the men that we will eat our bread and wear our clothing: only let us get you the name of that we will continue." Values that have uncertainty. devalued. what is not real popular to reduce prices. up people he cherishes. up people they protect. who values his collection.

What people do not have the correct settings from them and there is value. People do not value what they do not can not keep. Etc. charge basis to assist women to their husbands. Value of women for marriage. She will set the way she works in her home. the words above, that day will come when the ratio of women to men is "is one of seven". implication of this is one of seven women. I announced boldly. without apology the day is best here. Every one is looking for seven women who were free. This woman should not marry as she should marry her to her husband is right but a responsibility. If you. You know what is contested by seven other people to understand and value it, cherish it. As a result, this book saying commended for creating intelligent women of her home and shamed women stupid for tearing down her home. .

"Every intelligent woman, but her home buildeth plucketh it foolish to hand" of her 2.

Women with a silly sense of value is not low in view of her marriage. And the fact most women will have real contempt and abused privileges of marriage. Attitude is driving their husbands in search of women to other values. and respect their right to be selected as the seventh wife. adage is that 'what people do not value them as people without it' is. This is true of many women. the way some women do marry. Their women have more opportunities for free to attract their husbands by trying to prove much care and love. people are not afraid of God can not see the little girl with him. people are naturally proud head home. attitude. women's crown from the spray on the ground who was sent no fear of God at work after the woman who helped free up the right to marry people.

If women will keep up her home to change her husband. And if the women will bring back her husband she must open up more for her people. Women have free use of the concept of good value and has long been married to women from their trap. their husbands. male A, who disrespects his wife and indifferent to the responsibilities of marriage she will be easily attracted by the free woman to serve as his. Some women have free use of all methods that are more like value and respect. care. other services such as laundry ironing men's dresses, they cooked in a sweet time talking with their targeted men. These are things that married women should be used. most women. abandons a marriage service in such women in their homes. others believe that the liberation of women, independent women from their service at home and husbands of married women, I call on all should. foolishness is over time. to start. from each woman married to value marriage and what she will turn beautiful.

DR Benard Etta is the author of fifty books, social scientists, dream, education, consultant, coach and CEO of the nation-builders International, school and corporate human resources. Person appointed by the year 2005, American biographical Institute. three most influential anglophone Cameroonian nominated by the news paper Cameroonian (Cameroon Post) Ph.D. 2003. an honorary degree in human development from the leading specially those who create life USA.etc University International, PO BOX 6,146. YAOUNDE, Cameroon.

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