Deceptions Pink Ribbon

Breast Cancer Awareness month will revolve around the more. Has years to go! Coffee Morning Girls Night are fun and work in other activities to increase money for breast cancer research. Predictably a major sponsor in some skin care and cosmetics industry. News Great!

Bring on. Except ...

While these companies adorn their products with Pink Ribbons and offer many percentage of profits will make many of them also include chemical. products.There. A mix of chemicals that could cause considerable concern and some possible contamination with carcinogens during manufacturing. You know that chemicals in some skin care products can harm the animals appear? The cosmetics industry seems to care less about controlling the outcome of the research.

California, USA in 2005, Senator Carol Migden support value called California Safe Cosmetics Act. This means that cosmetics companies use chemicals in their products that are linked to cancer or birth defects have no notice states. .

Lobbyists for the cosmetics industry, led by cosmetics, toiletry and fragrance Association (CTFA) in the mass of City Hall. Hearings and legislation of the Johnson & Johnson, Mary Kay, L'Oreal, Estee Lauder and Neutrogena testified to the Bill. Records show state attorneys and Gamble - Factors of production Max, Cover Girl and SK II - Sacramento pay more than $ 250,000 from lobbyists. CTFA and the half a million dollars against the law values and other environmental health in California. 1.

We clearly ...

They do not need to remove the chemicals ... just let the state and allows consumers to integrate the products people use in their body every day!

I want to know if any of the smallest evidence about chemicals linked to breast cancer, why not focus on eliminating these from everyday life, or no more than 200 chemicals that have shown the incidence of breast cancer in animals. according to research by the Silent Spring Institute in May 2007. 2.

These chemicals include: - pesticides, solvents industry, medicine, cosmetics ingredients, hormones, and color.

Seems to influence more than the protection check. If this disease can be prevented, of course, where emphasis should be. The turn of the century 1 in 20 women are diagnosed with breast cancer. Now numbers more like 1 in 8. Is not accidental that the increasing number of chemicals that we found not associated with increased rates of breast cancer. These advantages increase up to produce chemicals from WWII. They can accumulate in body and in the years if not decades.

This year, when all hype abounds, take a moment to match the product you select for your family. Choose wisely and avoid chemical laden. 'Clear pink products'.

1) "Lobbying Activities" (online) / value "/ agencies lobbied" 2) cancer, 109 (S12): 2635-2666. [Online 14 May 2007].

Industry after 30 years in beauty''Armitage Karen was astounded to find that her cosmetics company has total trust in the toxic products they produce and market. You will not believe that promote skin care again, when you read her report.

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