Blue Light Special! Free purse with all contents!

I said the other day that I see women walking around in their purses, while the product is sitting right in his child seat in the shopping cart of them. These women may well have a Blue Light Special: FREE purse women complete with wallet, credit cards and all the extras for free!

Receiving money and valuables from the shopping cart you! Everyone and I mean anyone can win it, then when you have to stand alone when you turn to put some jam in the poor tomato. Please enter a purse on your shoulder with a line across your body.

Other security tips to survive from my wife. She is the second victim of the credit / her wallet stolen. Her first shopping stop and get gas from the grocery after. Her driving our Toyota Van. To destroy the station and she has her credit card to her. "Can pay at pump". She took credit cards from her wallet and put bags on the passenger seat.

She is the gas pump, dog, golden retriever who has sat silently in the front seat of the pickup truck nearby, and then suddenly started growling bark furiously. JoAnn kinda dog is puzzled that behavior. Dogs usually love JoAnn just die! Well, you guessed it, dogs do not bark at JoAnn!

JoAnn is at home, she noticed colony dome light will not be issued. Then she realized the passenger door is not closed in any way. She closed the door to destroy it quickly hit her, her wallet from the seat! Damn there is only silence and open passenger door and a gas pump, while JoAnn, remove the wallet from the right seat. To avoid receiving the attention she would not close all the doors. Gold Run know what happens!

This rule will keep your valuable items from the reach of bad guys! Yes, your doors locked even when you are close! Most cars today have power door lock, but how often lock them all but you. If a wallet in the purse money in this class will be much harder to win. Think survival "You have the right to protect yourself!

Paul is CEO of the Head of Paul 25 has experience in law. Deputy sheriff is in Lee County Florida, Paul Patrol Division is responsible for staff training and served as a lecturer in Youth Unit.

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