Women's Studies

Women's education is very important in this world. People focus on the education of women nowadays. Additional steps should improve the education of women not just those in the cities but in rural areas.

World history education has long been working with local partners to design, execute, manage and evaluate projects based on community involvement to advance the terms of girls and women.'s Global education program helps women apply and are in school and help him. women or to create financial resources for education and new social community. World Education programs help girls and women improve their lives and living conditions of families in the community. for parents - and mothers in particular - which means creating the conditions. ensure that their daughters have equal access to basic education can make decisions about their futures and protect themselves from trafficking, sexual interest, HIV and AIDS, for example.

By increasing educational opportunities for girls and women, World Education helps women develop skills that allow them to make decisions and changes in the community have an important influence in the region. In the opening program are positive effects in some depth issues. most of our time, population growth, HIV and AIDS, peace and security and widening gap between rich and poor.

Education in India, only one other element that is interested in world records. While the United Nations is concerned about the availability of a large number of illiterates in other countries will be astounded by some of the quality of human resources systems education. India has produced.

India's economic growth in the past, present, and forced to keep still force the Indian government to accelerate the development of all branches of the Indian education system. It will be very interesting to understand and analyze the structures of education in India and current conditions. future developments.

Who led the independence movement, our awareness of the importance of female education 'and has put a major agenda for developing countries. Like what matter when India attained independence some 60 years ago it was a horrendous challenge facing the new government. cultural and social barriers to education of women and lack of access to education, organized, available immediately addressed.

Receive education is the most important tools for changing women's subjugated position in society. It's not just personality and moral development of individuals, but qualifies to perform economic and political culture and that some improve economic and social status. them.

In India, increased education and opportunities for women and the removal of the bar, a list of women, particularly in the level of education and support of all equaling the liberation of women from the 19th century, etc.. Such matter how harmonious Indian Century 19. Want to know the women in their role as wives and good mothers and will not allow them to participate directly in the development of the country. colonial officials generally support this view point limit women's education. the. expansion of education and health services in the 20 century, but precipitated the need for female teachers and doctors which resulted in the combination of the two vocations of women's studies program.

In spite of constitutional provisions of equality and recommendations of the committee and commissions about the requirements for the same type of education for women is a male point of view of the limited education of women have separate roles of women in society. Has far-reaching. In planning the study women.

Therefore, education of women should be a serious problem and steps in the development of young people in both urban and rural areas every year.

I am very good housewife is interested in social activities, especially in improving the status of women in urban and rural areas.

Source Article: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shahira_Y.

