Part 3 of Frequently Asked Questions About Progesterone Cream.

Many women have lower levels of all hormones, especially progesterone is the xeno-estrogens led us all in our daily life mimic estrogen. In our food products we use everyday of our food. Suggest. women using progesterone cream to make up for lack of progesterone.

I should note that using natural progesterone?

If you find any of these symptoms, natural progesterone for you:.

(a) If you have Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) Premenstrual also means strength (PMT). PMS or PMT symptoms have continued to crop up about 7 to10 days before the start of the period and stopped immediately start time. or soon after.

(b) If you find out estrogen symptoms. Some symptoms are reduced sex drive, increased fat deposits in thighs and hips with increased risk endometrial and breast cancer, depression, headaches, swings mood, and liquid storage. Add salt, blood clotting and risk of stroke.

(c) If you experience symptoms menopausal. during menopause progesterone production is almost zero, but continue to produce estrogen from fat cells after menopause but progesterone production virtually ends. some symptoms of menopause hot flashes. mood changes, memory problems, sleep problems, the form, headache, joint and muscle pain.

(D) osteoporosis. Women over 50 years should use natural progesterone cream to prevent osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a disease of brittle bones and are likely to differ. Osteoporosis are claiming to be brittle bone disease. These broken bones will also claim that the fracture. Any bone can be affected, but in general the wrist, hip and spine. Osteoporosis can offer the symptoms for years until a fracture.

The effect is associated with Progesterone cream?

Doctor's Desk Reference has a list of side effects and contraindications associated with the use of synthetic progesterone, but have reported no side effects associated with the use of natural progesterone. Progesterone is a natural cholesterol derived from the soy or Mexican wild yam bean. exact chemical composition of progesterone produced by the body and no side effects as any.

God contains the chemical synthesis of progesterone has been modified by the manufacturer to produce progestins (progestins are synthetic progesterone). Some of the side effects associated with the use of synthetic progesterone is depression, headache, birth defects, abortion asthma. and epilepsy.

Titilayo Ajumobi an administrator who loves cooking and also interested in issues affecting women. Http://

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