Pre-menstrual Syndrome and minerals - magnesium

We mentioned in previous posts the disease, premenstrual than 90% to 70% of women before menopause in the United States and less for women in Southeast Asia because of differences in life style and social structure. The disease premenstrual. (PMS) has doubled over the past 50 years because it is the acceptance of medical conditions caused by unhealthy foods are high in saturated foods. Premenstrual disease means working ovaries error related with the international circuits. See it the women's physical and emotional women and sometimes interfere with activities of daily hormone fluctuations. disease occurs one to two weeks before menstruation and then declined when the start. In this article we will discuss how women of magnesium. with PMS.

I. Definition.

Magnesium is the most numerous elements in the human body mass by 11 play a key role in the management of biological materials important polyphosphate. Percentage enzyme in the body must function properly magnesium.

II. Women of how magnesium with PMS.

1. Balance hormones.
Magnesium reduces dopamine neurotransmitter, thereby increasing functions in handling data between cells in the brain control the body. Defects of strength in advancing the cause nerves in the brain increase the risk of depression and anxiety. The study shows that women. with low magnesium levels increase depression and adjustment rules and suicide attempts.

2. Working with vitamin B6.
Vitamin B6 plays an important part in helping magnesium into cells thereby increasing the amount of mineral them. Lack of vitamin B6 may decrease the absorption of magnesium in the body, causing many problems including symptoms of PMS.

3. Control blood sugar.
Magnesium helps control blood glucose levels and insulin levels in the bloodstream by the liver to increase performance and control of carbohydrate synthesis in the pancreas produce insulin.

4. Migraine headache.
Magnesium is a mineral essential to control strangulation. Cause blood vessels to be spam with it increased risks of expansion. In the case of migraine headache, blood vessels outside the brain is junk, and then expand.

5. Has been collecting water and weight.
Water storage and low weight resulting from the production of aldosterone by the adrenal gland as a result of lack of work in advancing the cause of kidney abnormalities in the urinary secretion.

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"You care for your health, health care, you will" Kyle J. Norton.
I have been natural to study changes to prevent disease than 20 years and worked as a financial advisor since 1990. Master's degree in teaching math tutoring math at colleges and universities before joining the insurance industry. Part time, health and entertainment Writer Article. .

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