Full lace Wigs - How to remove

Total of lace hairpiece full crown and fully secure. Saturate the hair hug all of you with a full lace wig adhesive remover. If knitting is not started yet will move on their own from the same spot where. You start obligations.

Gently lift knitting. If knitting out easily to continue to improve slowly from the surface. If you use a certain resistance to the full adhesive remover stick by placing a few in your hands and run under knitting. Adhesives Inc.. Not remover spray directly on face.

Do not use cotton balls or paper towels to remove any adhesive fibers are difficult to remove compliance obligations. Remove glue from your hands using adhesive remover. Remove the glue residue off the hook can be rolled out by hand.

If these residues are difficult to remove adhesive spray remover direct light knitted a few minutes and may peel or soft brush to gently brush teeth out knitting. In case you too can use the mirror that contains the press. Adhesives and pull gently on the glass surface.

When every wound cleaning to remove your full lace wig now.

Remove Tape:.

How to remove the patient will need more. To the same point where you start knitting or obligations where the flying start lifting.

Place one inch of tape used to stick a Tadsoma surface. Use your other hand to gently pull the strap from the tape running through your light around the circumference of your head and crochet from the tape. Clean. off the remaining glue from the use of plant (s) outlined above.

Then remove the tape from the skin. If the tape is sticky and difficult to remove, use adhesive remover to help remove. And then wash your full lace wig now. For detailed instructions about how to wash your full lace wig, please follow. recommendations of: the care and maintenance section in the main menu of our website.


Patient and gentle when you remove your full lace wig.
Tugging and / or pulling may cause loss of skin and hair glued on tape and / or adhesives.
In addition, it may cause major damage (s) to the knitting of your full lace wig.

Source Article: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marie_Hines.

