7 safety tips all women should know

It is a dangerous world out there. Especially women must be careful and aware of environment and know how to protect themselves. The following general discussion of safety tips from experts who know the hearts of sinners, and how to protect yourself from. them.

1. Note. Know what happens around you.

2. See your body language. Keep your head and stand straight and high. Confident. Predators find easy targets unsafe.

3. Not walk, jog or run a single drive in safe areas - especially at night. If you ever alone carry mace or pepper spray and not afraid to use. It is good to. safe than sorry.

4. No influence in your car. After shopping, eating, etc. does not influence performance in your car. Predator can see, looking for suitable time to jump in passengers and forcing you to drive some of them.

5. Not park next to the van with black windows. This is the ideal vehicle for kidnapping.

6. If the predator has a gun to you after RUN. The opportunity to just 4 per cent will be shot - moving target is always the most difficult to understand.

7. If you get grabbed by a predator, and to do everything in your power to escape. Do not let him take you anywhere. Gouge his eyes that you have to - it is good for you get in a car accident. have to take your place in the room in his menacing forest that does not point back!

If you are looking mace or pepper spray personal security products, you will find everything you need PepperSpray (http://www.pepperspray.com). Billings Farnsworth is an independent writer.

Source Article: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Billings_Farnsworth.

