Women's secret security - to remove toxic friendship, security goals - personal safety for women

Your friends are tired of dumping some of her bad feelings in your toxic? You've seen her happy once she received it all out and how lousy you feel how she's always ready to enjoy the moment when you feel like building just fell on you. You realize attackers. (by the way this friend "is one) to look for body language, when selected vulnerable victims and vulnerable you feel after you dump yourself in projects where body language - weak? This means a dumping ground, you put in is more dangerous assault by criminal, rapist, bully, etc. You get the feeling you are not good, but actually harmful to health and safety of you or not good. Here. What is the treatment.

Step 1 - Make a list of these types:.

Can be trusted in an emergency.
Fun, but not reliable.
Need friends.
(Toxic waste time and energy of self-esteem).

Now aware of the fact your friend # 1 is someone you can trust in the middle of the night or if you startle patients, sit with you in serious medical visits of the funeral of family members cheer you up after the breakup destroyed. Clear or help you re-frame your negative situations into opportunities for personal growth. We have very few of these friends, and some of us do not have any ... yet.

Friend # 2 is not friendly friends. Only friend is 1. But these people will enjoy the shops and hanging with and what to do with the young. They will not think that is what has occurred because you are serious. know that they are easy to plan other.

Friends are the type you need to do that because it is connected with friends, colleagues or family. This is someone you can team with you if they go to the same events and do not want to sit alone. Or. Last person you call if you're bored and # 1 and # 2 no.

Friends "toxic" to protect a friend. She is emotionally and dare I say emotional verbal attacks. Her weak and plays like it was her interest. She particularly liked the toxic waste dump her with others. because it attacks her pride in themselves is no less safe, feel out of control her life (no matter what she portrays) and see other people who can control her emotions better by the day or break their lives. .

Step 2 - be aware of what you get:.

Write your friend's name in the appropriate category for them.
Enter X "" by # 1 friend and you are sure to be toxic in people.
Honest with yourself! This is important to your personal security!
Stop the excuses for those who "may not understand they are dumping. Them.
Think about that these people will give you the list of them (the eyes - on).

Step 3 - Remove toxic friend now:.

You do not have time for these people.
You can be "busy" when they call or tell him straight up that you ended friendship "Friends do not know that the transfer of toxic waste in another sense.

Step 4 - Make your plan from the results:.

You will be amazed by the results of your normal.
Thank you once your friend # 1 because they have your back and can not realize often enough.
Decide if you want some # 1 friend and determined to build itself after a personal health.

Transfer of toxic waste are now closed and as long as you keep to you safe physical and psychological mood. Congratulations!

Your friends and create or tear you down. Now you can help your friend # 1 remove toxic friendship because of their safety; Secret security good for women in your life.

Bonus secret: You must have emotions in health care for those who depend on you so if you are not comfortable deleting users love the incentives. And I invite you also to secure the http://www.PersonalSafetyTrainer. com.

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By Kelly Rudolph - "Personal Safety Trainer".

Source Article: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kelly_Rudolph.

