Wise women - our own power

Have you ever felt worried or alarmed when you walk alone? Have you ever wonder what you should do if attacked by oneself or not alarming fact is that we are in the world with more violence, which is always present fear of crime. Personal safety is an important issue for everyone, but. especially for women. following a few safety practices that all women should know and use.

Realized: first, and may be the most important factor in self-defense is knowledge: awareness of self and environment to call your potential attacker's attacks. Plans to major attacks may occur is used. advantage of surprise. The study has shown that attackers have the expertise to select targets that appear to be unaware of those around them to. The environment and recognize the strong and confident before submission, altercations many. the same road to avoid.

Use your sixth sense. "Sixth sense" Wise Women "Whether you choose to call that a subconscious understanding of the situations and people effectively. All of us, especially women, have this gift, but at least we. interest is. learn to trust and use this authority to your full advantage. avoid people or situations that do not "feel" safe - you're may be right. If you think someone is following you make. cross-examination by the road - more than once if necessary - to see him as you. If you are still concerned about the location closest to the others - and called the police.

Escape: Always the best choice of you. What if you suddenly confronted by the predator who demanded that you go with him or not it should obey the view (especially if his contract will not hurt you) but started out crime scene. To ensure that you will be far more severe injury or death. Escaping means by which it is possible screaming fire attacks hit the eye, throat, groin, or by throwing money or bags. Your in his face and other methods.

Your Rights Fight. But your best option is to escape. It is important to understand that you can and should protect themselves physically. You have the right to do so even if you attack a threat and not the first assault. . head first into the eye (pressure and gouge), and two groin (compression and pull out or kick / knee hard). try to use elements of surprise to your advantage - strike fast and strong confidence in action. you. You can get the chance. and then fled. escape to safety (which means that all the others).

Self-defense training: the prevention program should include simulated assaults on teachers have a full seat in the actual rape and attack scenarios; This will allow you to practice what you learn. (And still do).

Spent the next few minutes .... think about your safety, try to imagine where you will meet someone threatening your safety ... now that you will meet, in a strong and confident. Choose your ...

Bids H. Stanley Judd.
"Maximum security is a real understanding."

Be safe.

Sherry McCourt is a professional force with a unique set of experiences as a corporate executive, operator certification exam cheating, Private interview, trainers and speakers. She Communicator effective expertise and ability to bring nature. solve real world of her audience.

Sherry McCourt is a dedicated advocate who support and protect the right to live and work without fear and try to empower individuals and organizations to thrive and grow through their courageous leadership, vision, teamwork, calculated. risk and personal responsibility.

A security consulting and training strategies with corporate organizations and personal life coach and several security people: her goal is to create a movement of men and women and to adopt chargeof safety and success. their work and their lives.

HIGHLIGHTS Sherry McCourt operations focused on health and safety messages, Security, risk management, loss prevention, violence, sexual harassment, fraud, Theft and Cyber Crime.

Her talent for simple and clear real surprise of the ugly loss and crime to the eye - opening, offering good information and surprisingly made her popular among large corporations drifting small business owners. small entrepreneurs and professionals who want to experience and standing in the world today.

Contact Sherry at smccourt@sherrymccourt.com or visit her http://www.sherrymccourt.com.

Source Article: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sherry_McCourt.

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