Position of women in society

Since ancient times women have weak by traditional machines. This reduced stability in the status of women can be traced back to the post time Rigvedic. Is interesting to note that women are ascribed relatively higher positions in their previous. He is allowed to monitor education in scope and importance in the decision whether to choose a husband. This may be traced back to the 'swayamvara' own ancient India women were eligible to choose from her marriage. among many suitors.

With time, but some changes to social nervousness. Women's low status ascribed to a lower position than any government in the country and provide equipment for children. The home is gradually demarcated domains of activity, she is of her. harassment scope to see when a serious fault. she gradually came to lose her right to education or even comment on the Port of key issues. oppression of patriarchy gradually made her lose her identity will be reduced. Robot Dance to the tunes of her ancient lords.

On this day, but it seems to be some improvement in this condition. One should note that this change is only apparent and may be more villainous than the trajectory is relatively easy in a patriarchy in the previous. While women. are now allowed to receive education and to allow operations from the door in search of work she is expected to follow the role of submissive wife and the mother abnegating. may have infiltrated the system, which is today. coerce information in a manner that makes their claims in both women `s earnings in her selfhood.

Source Article: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sohinee_Das.

