20 items that should be in every woman's handbag

Women are often accused of too much practice 'junk' in their handbags, but if we do not carry the necessary and others will?!

Below we list our 20, which will carry women in all - not these items, we will lose.

Money - may choose to clear, but how many times have you left home and forgot my money you eliminate your loose change rather than stored in bottles at home.

Mobile - what on earth we have before mobile phones were invented? I guess we better call the box strong, but means that our people have not considered if they slow it will mean we will have to talk fast beeps before last call at the end tell us that - urgh.

Credit card girls best friend or worst enemy depending on your child that you will see. To go shopping or make sure you use plastic friends with you on a little out.

Consumers or old plastic bags - plastic bags are evil. True. When plants do not) break your outfit with a coordinating bag brand tacky or b) add any additional earth fill up another problem with. Using a plastic bag. Use old plastic bags or cotton buyers to fold up inside your bag instead.

Books / Magazines - you'll regret not bring books with you when you sit in the coffee shop, restaurant / single and double kiss but do not see sitting at a table next to you.

Diary - if you have a mobile phone, you must imagine something in your bag, which acted as organiser. Otherwise, you will forget the day in a week.

You make - just time to run directly from the bar or restaurant are a little 'empty' a facial make up your missing is incredible? Do not let this happen again.

Tissue - toilet paper, no allergy sneezes, ... we all need tissues.

Tampon / pads San - not be issued again to make sure you have a tampon with you!

Pen - you'll need to write this in your diary or your number on his arm.

Key - you do not want to lock you from? Then do not forget your key.

MP3 player with headphones - for lunch in the sunny secluded garden or walk across the bridge or not this film to sound.

Safety pins - why not make every one of them in the bag Pins to secure a benefit. Line free underwear? Worry No. Bags different? Worry No. Heart broken? Well, we can not help you there ...

Plasters - sore feet from shoes that do not like real pain and can destroy your day. Make sure you keep a few plasters in your bag. You can thank the date you want them.

Comb or brush - Cave attractive woman? We do not think so. Ease up a little and makes your hair sleek.

Vaseline - ideal for dry hands, dry lips and closed-inch ring if you are overwhelmed.

Moisturiser with SPF - dry skin is not fun, different and not sunburn. Make sure you keep a small bottle or sachet of moisturiser in your bag with medium to high factor sun block.

Sunglasses - sun day, hangovers, and who would like to see less mysterious.

Paper cleaning rain - spillages, dirty hands, armpits - Select.

Gum / mints - to live throughout the day to benefit you and everyone else's.

Click here to handbags.


Source Article: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Emma_Evans.

