Top five must Haves in every women's handbags

We will remember the time when we arrived in our bag to find things and ended up hunting around what such a difficult hour, when the same item again and again and can not find what we want in the first place. What is experienced. to destroy! Some must have items in your bag and keep receipts from purchases at two years is not in this category. We review the important things and leave other items from that. .


This should not surprise you that, but just how many women be where they want to see as well when they see the old fans do not like to shop and to restore! You may be the traditional type of lipstick over the type of girl who wears the natural surface and place it in time and love to do. If this is the case, make sure the peaches are neutral to you. Color is good in most colors. and for any daytime in summer. it will live on the surface, while some, such as dark shadows or red plum are reddish, pale or worse yet hair throughout the day.

If you want your lips soft bit more gloss and you are young you have the option type more. Your best bet to a lighter color that you can reapply as often as you want without worrying. P g work. well here you too, but you can still go deep sound without worrying about using too much through the program. not that way, some lipstick or lip gloss more than one type of your favorite handbags list is needed.


Small glass is almost as important as lipstick. You have to use other means to dig or not, especially if you are the type who loves to line her lips can be quite difficult scene in your hands if you do not have glass size. small wax or lipstick can be used. glass is important for several reasons: to make teeth after lunching with friends and to check my face in your day, while in the bathroom was or what to bring from your eyes. eye drops when your lenses are bothering you. you can be cutest, most modern facilities for your luggage. The best kind is one that opens the second mirror is magnified and the other one not. but expand. Room was not the most flattering can be very useful!


This may seem silly or obvious. But any woman stopped by police only to be tough enough to tell him that she left her license in another bag. Make sure you have that you will do before heading out! If you are young enough to be in the drinking age suspicious license is needed when a friend found for days or cocktail. How frightening it would take days to get ready or get excited after the long work week to meet with friends in the hours. Friday only willing to be carded at the door of your local pub and not be allowed or not, you can prevent the detection of the bag before you leave and make certain you have your driver's license with you.


Today, mobile phones, a real lifeline of most people. This is probably the most important item of all, it is the only thing you will not be forgotten that this list it is your key but you should be at home. You may well just turn around. the opportunity of calls from your home if you increase one of the women who changed handbags day. If you check your luggage and make sure your phone is not in another. one! What's more humiliating than the installation of traffic and came to some lines and not the ability to extend the courtesy phone to someone else know. Do not let this happen to you check your luggage.


The five most important items is a pen. Even in the old days and the mobile phone has almost everything you want and you can practically all the key information needed sometimes is just easier and faster to jot down some. We will remember when we frantically search for a pen while the radio and write down what you want. How many times about what came to mind while driving and you forget by the time you are home because you have a method. do not have the memory or the pen is very little space to carry a list of key.

You have to have it, lipstick, mirror, driver's license, phone and pen. You should have little else but even if you are part to the number "in case the item" with these five, you should be in your bag throughout. time.

Megan hazel is an independent writer who write about several issues, including celebrities and fashion, one often talks items such as handbags designed for women.

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