PMS - a very real concern for women's World Wide

Have reported that approximately three of every four menstruating women experience some PMS around the world a lifetime of them. This is sometimes severe nature of physical and mental symptoms that occur are not smooth before starting on the circuit. Your menstruation is a problem and an opportunity for women in the late twenties and the forties right through to the first of her sister.

PMS may start at the time of the women she. When it began symptoms often continue until menopause. For most symptoms are not severe, but what about 5% of women have problems that can be true. physical or mental violence, and may be variable from cycle to cycle.

Symptoms can include.

Back pain.
Depression (some women with PMS have undiagnosed depression may be severe).
Sleep or be interrupted.
Food Cravings.
Pelvic pain.
Swings emotions.

Cause of PMS associated with changes in hormone levels. The changes in levels of serotonin, a brain chemical called a neurotransmitter causes mood swings. Insufficient amounts of chemicals can also lead to other symptoms. other.

Undue stress is not a direct cause PMS, but has been discovered that can aggravate conditions. You may have to your doctor if you have any questions and you may need to record your symptoms for perhaps twice. That. If symptoms are will help create a predictable, recurring basis and menstrual.

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