The defense of women as easy as A, B, C.

People working hard in the complex life that is not complex. The women - one of prevention in these areas. Many folks spend time trying to "scare women" in the classroom instead of just the basic fact is: you can not. protect yourself if you have not learned the defense of the ABCs.

Awareness and avoidance are.

Sounds pretty easy right? The fact is that if we focus more on the environment and "Wise Women", we can quickly focus on situations that may be dangerous and / or individuals. The color coding methods and strategies we can provide the knowledge we have. escape route to avoid dangerous situations that could. recognize and avoid training all about survival and found no serious operations.

B for Body language and scope.

How we do ourselves that much about who we are. Predators are looking for victims, and the last thing you want is to appear as victims. So you do not look the way victims? The eye contact, shoulders back and walk with purpose, you send a clear signal that you know and not easy to target. Boundaries that are difficult for women, given that we are trained caretakers. But the truth is you need very easily. comfortable in that "no" and set clear limits on the people that are close to you and what you do to him. body language and setting limits on the total body and your voice to send a clear signal. that you do not break easily.

C is the contact and confidence.

Contact is only the ability to handle violent situations with confidence in your own personal power. Your personal protection and self defense skills set, if you must fight off a violent predator? You are confident in your skills, your confidence in the ability to control fear and do your game plan if you do not encounter serious? Contact Training and teaching confidence many options you have to protect you.

ABCs of Women's Self-defense is not that tough. But they need training. No, we will all know. We all training and learning to better themselves and to keep us safe. Have you done. end women's self defense training ABC?

Angie M. Tarighi as CEO of their Women's-Defense Institute's national leadership in education and training women about self-defense option and security people.

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