Risk reduction program for working women

A RAD (Rape Aggression Defense instruction) for women, the benefits of our training, they do not seem easy?

* Train them and they will know a little more.
* Train them and they will walk with little confidence.
* Train them and they are self-esteem will increase bit.
* Train them and they will stand.
* Train them and they will talk about.
* Train them and they seek help.
* Train them and they will fight back.
* Train them and they will reduce the chance of a goal they are victims.

Beautiful clear reduction right? But as teachers we know that the challenge to get women to join our classes or community support programs.

National Online Resource Center on Violence against women published recently "rape prevention and risk reduction: review of research literature for Practitioners" in January 2009, which supports what we are teaching teachers "intuitively" know. While other reports monitor any analysis of risk reduction programs for women, supported version of RAD.

Their main base that the participation of women in risk reduction programs - particularly those that include the training of prevention - reducing the chance of them being sexually assaulted in the future. More research to document other positive effects. caused by self-defense training, including:.

* Add persistence.
* Improve self-pride.
* Anxiety reduction.
* Add control are perceived.
* Reduced fear of sexual assault.
* Self-Enhanced-performance.
* Improved physical ability / skills in self-defense.
* Avoidance behavior reduction.
* Add behavioral involvement.

Also have preliminary evidence to suggest that prevention programs can reduce their symptoms of traumatic stress disorders Post (PTSD) and self - efficiency of those who have already been sexually assaulted.

The research found that women "have a history of assault between two and half times more likely to be assaulted than women without sexual assault history" (etal Gidycz. 2002, p.246). The study also found that women registered. Self-protection program has been sexually assaulted in the past (about 30% to Follansbee, 1,982 studies).

The study does not support the methods of teaching women to "just say no" because most survivors say "no" and resist, however raped (Rozee and Koss, 2001, p.300). "Rather, they suggest that programs need. women's studies at the first warning signs that many people see in sex offense "as conduct liaison sexual power and control of anger and hostility and violence between acceptance.

Generally, the hook line "results suggest that the self-defense training for women is one of the most likely path in anti-sexual assault.".

Such as additional education to support the need to understand their prior training as a prevention tool for women to prevent sexual assault viably efficient, we hope to see on the education of our young women not only the three R's reading, ". 'riting, rithmetic and' "but read" four R's 'riting' rithmetic and RAD.

Angie M. Tarighi as CEO of their Women's-Defense Institute's national leadership in education and training women about self-defense option and security people.

Source Article: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Angie_M._Tarighi.

