Pepper Spray, senior citizens, women need to prepare a lipstick

Have you ever heard the story about the bank robber in a small town who is so dumb that when he asked her to tell money Would you say you want to rob banks must fill out this form. I fear that the policy bank, Sir "? Tell then hands the guy who used some sort of banking services and it has space for name, address, phone, birth date, etc.. Stupid bank robber took a pen and fill in all information pertinent to his form. to tell her thanks, he put a few hundred dollars of singles and third in his bag and he closed. Shortly thereafter the police to his home and arrested him.

Well as tell the robber told him to fill out a form to be fully understood that if the lady who was robbed by senior terrorists who want her money or get a bus to her like she said "pardon me, but Sir. If you are robbed, I must put my lipstick. "then she will be able to pull out her lipstick pepper spray and spray the appropriate Amazon page.

Although that situation is never likely to play out the idea that comedy is not funny, but what is less muggings and snatchings happen all the time and money no women between 18 and 108 will not pepper spray of some sort. For. is required to facilitate these small pepper sprays that look like women's lipstick. lipstick pepper spray was comfortable fit in pocket or purse and be ready if ever needed.

We are in the world that everything can happen at any time, and why not prepare the case? So perhaps the time has come to buy some pepper sprays for you and your family. Although these small size lipstick pepper sprays can pack the wallop they tend to flow about six feet and half a dozen second bursts. With. The new formula on the pepper spray will cause burning eyes, ice, choking, dizziness and confusion at least twenty minutes, but no long-term damage or injury.

Young and old alike need to protect yourself on all this is just how things are. To consider some pepper sprays for people interested as well as yourself!

Carleton Cook a life long military police and private security experts. Carleton Cook and employs staff of thirteen and three warehouses ready to serve you.
If you do not need the U.S. as you can in the future.

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