In women's women

What women want? Answer is quite simple to conclude that in their lives and to restore pride in their self-sufficient enough to control and prevent independent endearment fun and quality nurturing.

For thousands of years women have surrendered their power to men. This is so ingrained in the psyche of women, women in most cultures around the world see themselves as second class citizens and actually believe that a divinely determined to overcome his power over men. Some. Religion is a male dominated political regimes continue to enforce belief under pain of severe punishment for not following this.

But the time has come for women to embrace is the Wise, and their love. Women are more efficient at their own credit. Perpetuating the illusion of the need to protect and look after determining denies creativity of women denies. expansion of their birthright and the intrinsically lower in women of them. they in Western societies, this is not fair to prejudice of gender equality will gradually break down, but fraction of contra felon - attitudes women still appear to surface in the area. big business and religion to politics, sports, media name a few.

We can expect that men will go through their changes are less gender bias! Too bad they are; Not least, the many people found the women to restore their personal power and confidence in society, some men seem to lose their identity succumbing to the sexual attitudes of defeatist - exchange roles. But not this way. In fact that is not what all women want.

Sex will not send another one that does not feature one sex over the other and acting better. This day and age when women and men must stand strong generously in itself unique and beautiful sex role. them.

Our hope is that future young women and men embrace the opposite sex in the attitude of joy and satisfaction differences in their equal and opposite. It is these differences that ironically, contribute to. as all of them. is next to themselves and each other to demonstrate their independent with more joy and shared growth and satisfaction in life instead of this planet will change for good.

When women give him permission to live fully and broadly: life and thoughts at the forefront of the scientific creativity of the sport of politics, religion and business? Remember that women have a table of all these areas the quality of own unique and women. They do not need to "give" in the human world.

Building a high intellect and women believe they start in their power to control their lives in ways that women strongly that our world will find love and service far more effective at breaking down prejudice than differences. war and brute force.

More intelligent and gentle power of women will have strength to dominate the energy to soften the more refreshing to work hand in hand with partners. In a world where two sexual compatibility in mutual respect and balance. We will begin the life of peace and growth, such as never seen before.

It begins with us; With each conscious change in expectations, the expectations of others only see the generosity and love in the eyes of others. Let us make an effort each day to children and our children will know only joy and happiness to. All expression of their gender.

Marie Barrett is the author and teacher of spiritual dynamic. Through her guide book Holistic Wealth Creation and enjoy life and other writings her teaching methods and spirit of every area of life to create life full of happiness and joy -. .

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