Female problems time - type

Various health problems experienced by women with period problems, milk - food contact issues, such as vaginitis, cystitis and salpingitis problems menopausal, premenstrual disease, ovarian disease and sexual problems.

Timing problem: the problem of adult general term stability on uneven and unpredictable cycles and patterns affect many women. The difference between normal 25 and 33 days and a few women around 28 days accuracy. Case. mostly because of hormone imbalance in progesterone / estrogen cycle.

Dysmenorrhea (painful period): The group is often spasmodic and congestive type. Is usually due to hormonal imbalance. Prostaglandins are thought to cause more than possible with prostaglandin F2a too important candidates increased progesterone. generated from within the membrane layer Bush uterus, uterine contractions and provocative things.

Amenorrhea: If no regular menstrual cycles due to pregnancy, lactation or physical illness that differ from the kidney disease such as goiter or thyroid function under the m
Diabetes is another common cause.

Menorrhagia (heavy period): multiple spark can cause mechanical problems, uterine fibroids, especially other fibroid tumor and complications of contraceptive devices, intrauterine. Physical thyroid disease, especially in the work or myxoedema, often said to be involved.

Blood diseases, including hypertension and purpura can cause excessive tendency of blood. Endometriosis, endometriosis, especially ovarian cause more significant. Emotional tension and stress will be rejected and the general. cause of excessive bleeding.

Force Premenstrual: commonest headache and sore breasts, water and remember clumsiness. Breast tenderness and arthritis are considered due to increased estrogen levels. Psychological symptoms that drag force is fear, aggression, depression and lethargy.

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Source Article: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ben_Branklin.

