Women's Self-Defense - Sex Predators Online.

In our electronic age it seems everyone is as twitter, Facebooking, MySpacing etc.. If you are not in a good net connection, you do not. Guess who else is with us in the net or not, you guessed it - sexual predator.

Recent study done by February 2009 MySpace announced that they have sex more than 90,000 offenders register on our Web site. After this a strict policy of not allowing access sex offenders. They immediately removed. Guess they go? Sentinel security, a security technology that helps social networks found more than 8,000 sex offenders identify their lurking on Facebook. Needless to say this is just the tip of the iceberg.

So you know they are but what you can do to protect themselves? This pair of checkpoints is common sense to know when you post online.

Make sure your friends "your" is your friend and know your security protocol is that folks can and can not see on your page.
Check your images are posted, especially the children. A home number, school name, car number, point of note in the background or not.
Reduce the time and date or you will receive. It makes it easier on your head.

Remember that when the predator can connect you with your child all they need is a few basic details about pets, vacations, school, employment and friends to persuade their children not be unknown ". "And so they were in the home, or select them from your neighborhood.

Ever see what you're posting from the other. Ask yourself if I want to hurt my family how I can use this information when you answer so it can not be solved or have limited access to information.

In today's world, predators have more sex in access to information about us than they ever have. To not make their job easier by Internet from the door "open" for them to come.

Angie M. Tarighi Women's-CEO of Self Defense. http://www.self-defense-mind-body-spirit.com. Institute a national leader in education and training women about self-defense option and security people.

Source Article: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Angie_M._Tarighi.

