Turning Women Into Fashion Victims

We are always told us that society should be thin to succeed. These messages are sent through the media, but important in the fashion industry. If we check the version we will walk the catwalk that has some significant.

What most people do not know is that this version is 23% thinner than average women. Although this is not normal everything seems to show that in fact is normal and that everyone should look at. The first clue that we think we need to slim down to us is the clothes.

When we walk in clothing stores, we know that most clothing racks are small. Sometimes you may find some small but positive for the entire page it came in a small fashion. Possessed the voice of women to wear at the end should always adjust the other.

The fashion industry has the interests of their own. Some people say that they only produce clothing in small to save money. Others say they they do not want fat women to wear their clothes because they will damage your brand image.

Why do they do it they know that their message is a danger to society, no. Anorexia is a severe skin disease. Many women are frustrated because they can not find the size of their clothes and destroy this led them eating disorders.

Only thin women can wear fashion. That caused many women and young people to stop eating. Very great voice as one of a hundred Japanese women will starve themselves just to fit the set. What is the saddest of these women or women dead in their fight to fit small.

Is of paramount importance that we do about it. If we keep in the clothing industry and the media brainwashing of our youth and young women are dead, more severe illness. Not just clothing designers should start designing larger, but also should be changed in our society.

This shift will be through education. We are a society should join the military for our youth know that they are completely normal in the fact that generation who are not regular. Should have content about health, nutrition and dieting.

We should not become victims of our women's fashion. Our health is a very steep price to pay and view fashion is just not worth it. We should change these models unrealistic and replace them with healthy one. Many things can be done to achieve this and you can help too.

Executive Advertizia, Julian J. Lenox check site for clothing, Top 100, sharp clothes storage site evaluation. For more information, visit the Women's clothing Online.

Source Article: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Julian_Lenox.

