Five things you need to do before the Ministry of Women

Early vision of you. You want to party at the monthly Board meeting, or your plans for the disciples? Think about what you want to see happen in the lives of women, because your church is the Ministry of Women. (Matthew 28:19, Titus 2:3).

Second talk with God. Ask God to show what He would like to follow? This time the Lord for this season in your life is a time for family, God, this church you (James 1:5) and talk to other people. For one or two friends began praying with you. (Proverbs 11:14).

Three for what God is doing in the lives of women in the community and across the country. What likely challenges and needs of women generally? How you can help women in your church growing? What will change only part of the community and culture of your church.

Four of his requested meeting with you. Communicate why you think the church needs, particularly the Ministry of Women and the vision of offering. WM on how your church can help the vision and overall mission of the church and your King. Send your dreams and your vision of God. He trusted the hearts and minds work of those in power from the new Ministry of time and people to meet their need.

Five for the team. After church leaders have been complete support from the team likes to see women form a love for God and the Word and women in the church community. Some of the best friends in the world will drive up arms and make your Ministry. Finally, make sure WM will play a team with other Ministry of your church. Find what you can do to help them comply with targets. Look how the training and support to women in other departments.

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