Safety tips for women - emotional stress makes most women in Physical hazards - 5 tips to help

With increased levels of stress over the economy is important to recognize the connection between emotional stress and physical hazard, especially for women. We talk about health problems caused by stress, but many do not know how easy is to attack. when he or she victimizes people off focus. as women we often take the stress of others and our own; Worry about their situation or trying to help the treatment.

5 information and advice to help reduce stress and vulnerability to physical harm:.

Truth # 1: Fear is the most dangerous mindset, and when you focus on; You see the frightened and weak, which shows the body language of language attacks (). Women will see that "weakness" is the important part that we consciously see the confidence and strong.

Tip: Always Take confidence in your body language, regardless of whether you "feel. The head upward shoulder after the swing arm when you walk, side view (after you see with peripheral vision) is mobile. close (vacant) and is ready and willing to work if necessary.

Real # 2: Violent Crime, violence in families and sell guns increase rapidly during economic downturns.

Tip: Although violence in families is how young they will eat the prey. Realize most people will focus on as you could. Patience training two reasons: 1) the right people more volatile and 2) the peace. You and the other down. people who are calmer around as well.

Truth # 3: begin and end in the middle and all lessons are always in the mix.

Tip: think about who you are "before" economic stress. What is your life know how your life changes and learn what you can learn from it. May be "cutting back" is eye opening. for you about some things. For example, you may be healthy for lunch in your work and avoid expensive coffee every day.

Truth 4: stress is much reduced or overcome with thanks.

Tip: As women, we hyper tuned in Wise and our emotions. Take a deep breath while visualizing all grateful for: family, home, cars, arms and legs working pets warm bed ... everything. This often makes your mood. better and reduce stress and other negative. No matter what you have and you will not be much better.

Real Simple # 5: what can reduce stress in half for you and those around you better make yourself proud and body language.

Tip: Even if you feel like miles. The chemical changes your body when you smile and make you feel better automatically. This will relieve the stress of others, you too.

Bonus Tip: wish. Authentic, compliments are few and far between integrity. Compliment your talk with complete strangers could make that day the people and they can only air in March! What is easy "earrings cute" or "haircut that looks good on you" or "Nice view" can make on people and makes you feel good in the process.

Impact on the world women are wives, friends, girlfriends, coworkers, mothers, grandmothers, aunts, brothers, daughters, etc. all just to think how easily learn how to reduce the emotional stress of our own to help those around us while. to reduce the risk of physical harm by looking good and confident more.

Women rock!

Other Bonus Tip: Note that you receive energy from those around you. This is in consideration of the safety and security that are toxic to your emotional and I invite you to safety by visiting http:. / /

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By Kelly Rudolph - "Personal Safety Trainer".

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