Evolution of the Air Taser

Stun gun has several versions, one using technology to enhance the capabilities of each weapon to protect themselves by most people around the world.

Actual current cell to the electroshock weapon from long first prototype developed in the first decade of 1960.

Stun gun's origin.

It is a former aircraft technician with the idea of building devices that will encourage small clay shoes projectiles. Projectiles More like barbed darts attached to a call from the flashlight case. Now first dubbed Taser TF-76. Frightened of. from these devices are less than enough to surprise would hope that he will not obey the good behavior.

Devices in the popular and Jack Cover, engineer, soon started his own production company. It is considered by Title 2 weapons, alcohol, tobacco and Firearms Division of the Government of United States, Taser only allowed to use the legal representative. . From this limited market, such as the Cover of the soon forced to close the door.

Modern stun gun.

Taser will be faded into history, if not for a pair of brothers who seek to repair weapons, Arizona and serves the average consumer mass market.

With Jack Cover, Smith brothers of Scottsdale has a new design-related compression air is driven in the tank for darts. He called this new Air Taser 34,000. The major difference is the motive and the projectiles were. Anti-serious Identification includes confetti to assist police in tracking efforts.

Air Taser was displayed in the conference in Prague. But it failed the test of law enforcement officers miserably as a shock from the device is not considered strong enough to stop the attack. It's next to stun guns about.

Cover and brothers would return to the drawing board and come with a new way to send good electric shock. This shock has the potential to cause more muscle to catch up with it shows the assailants temporarily immobile. Taser M18 and M26 stun gun. rapidly becoming popular. It is not death, weapons, these are the perfect alternative to gun for the security guard is very legal representative.

Have many more weapons, electroshock models was created by Jack Cover, and then decades. Shape has changed equipment has become lighter and advancing technology has allowed more bang for the buck.

Today stun gun death sophisticated weapons and not the average consumer will feel safe operation of personal protection. More options available in the market today and find yourself a suitable protective equipment for your needs.

To learn more about weather to use tasers and stun guns to protect their other products, visit the Technologies Phazzer.

Source Article: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Billy_S_Horner.

