Jewelry Cleaner - Way cheaper to own, using orange essential oil.

I will teach how to make your own natural and inexpensive jewelry cleaner. A few items that you want: witch hazel and orange essential oil.

I was tired of paying $ 10.00 for eight ounces of retail purchase jewelry cleaner. I am also tired of the severe rash ring because chemicals in dust source to buy jewelry. I also believe in using natural products. So I leave the mission. make yourself a natural and inexpensive jewelry cleaner. I.

I use a particularly sweet products, and we all know that the tons and tons of products by using the "Power of Orange" (such as cleaning floors, furniture polish to clean windows, etc. ..). Think about this. to find another commercial about the power of orange that it makes me think of orange essential oil. I hear or read (I will not remember that I heard this) that witch hazel good cleaning. I see. I think my mission how to clean your own jewelry using witch hazel and orange essential oil.

I eat two ounces of witch hazel and mixed with five drops orange essential oil. Note that no significant oil mixed bile (regular fuel provider). That you need to shake or stir the mixture vigorously (not. Martin is not here, so do not drink it) but you can use cocktail shaker to mix well actually not kidding around, this should not be mixed ingested.

Now here is the price you ask? 16 oz bottle of witch hazel is the regular price of approximately $ 0.99. Bottle four ounces orange essential oil is $ 9.00. I said I spent $ 10.00 for an eight-ounce bottle of cleaner sources of buying jewelry. Quickly, before you think. that is a savings of $ 1.00. actually not true four-ounce bottle of essential oil is an orange before you may be better six months to one year. out of you will use two 16 oz oz of witch hazel to help. You can make another nine batches of your natural jewelry cleaner. as a way to make your own price using oil to clean jewelry orange key.'s you.

The best part of making jewelry from nature's own cleaning orange essential oil is not my ring rash of violence in the chemical source to buy cleaning.

Written by Tricia Melzard. Http:// Free Live stress natural owner! Please visit our blog

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