Ds protect their women - Triple.

Are you not interested? This article does not have anything to do with the size of your breasts but everything to do with the use of strategies to protect themselves sound.

Reference to the three Ds, we monitor and protect Defuse. This is an important tool in the arsenal of self defense. They developed by Tony Blauer's SPEAR collection strategies and simplistic, a key component to self-defense training. The following three D's you can take back control of the personal protection of yourself.


Meaning is. "Bring awareness. But most of us take care of us and not be distracted in our environment. Recognizing the environment is not designed to make you paranoid, but to increase the skills of reflection to your arsenal. If you are aware of your environment and attention you are likely to recognize danger signals from the mysterious predators. This strategy is useful when it comes to the next step - defuse.


Definition is "to make things less dangerous. This may be easier to move out of range. (Across the street from the bar, etc.) or more related to the use of oral de-growth. This is an important attempt to defuse situations like mine so you can remove yourself from the conflict without having to keep moving.


Protection means. "Action to prevent. It's pretty straightforward and not limited to physical interactions. Treatment can mean - to escape combat possible physical or aggressive with your aggression - such as throwing the first shot.

Triple Ds is a good way for triaging dangerous situation that could. The goal of any effective program to protect themselves not to be physically attractive, but can recognize potential dangers and the evasive action necessary to reduce the chances of a victim. If impossible, the ability to maintain body itself.

Angie M. Tarighi Women's-CEO of Self Defense. http://www.self-defense-mind-body-spirit.com. Institute a national leader in education and training women about self-defense option and security people.

Source Article: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Angie_M._Tarighi.

