A Story of a Woman, a Bar and Her Shoes

When it comes to a night out on the town at a bar or nightclub, shoes are a girl's best friend. Sure, they give us added height, make us feel like we've just stepped off the catwalk and we almost always look fantastic in them, but just what are our sky high Jimmy Choo's doing to our feet? Its long been told that high heals are bad for our backs and posture. Come on, we've all heard the research, but here, I give another perspective on how your stilettos can affect you.

Whenever I head out to a bar or nightclub, my choice of footwear is one of the most important things. For me personally, heals really aren't an option. To put it very simply, I'm a total clutz. I couldn't walk in a straight line if I tried, and that's without alcohol! Apart from that, pain sets in after wearing them for even just an hour and when ever I do wear them; my friends end up hating me because I complain endlessly.

I will never forget this one time I actually did wear some very hot high shoes to a classy bar. Let me tell you, I'll never do it again. They were gorgeous; black, pointy, leather with gold velvet trimming over the toe. I picked them up at a designer sale one afternoon for $150. I just had to have them even if I only put them on for a few minutes each weekend around the house. Come on, the price was amazing! These discounted shoes became my worse nightmare.

Teamed with a beautiful black dress, I headed out with my greatest group of girlfriends. We decided to do a bar crawl that evening and all the walking from nightclub to nightclub in those evil shoes did me serious damage. Throughout the night I could feel the sides of my shoes cutting into my ankles, almost like my gorgeous heals were slowly eating away at my feet. I knew if I took them off I'd never get them back on so I put up with the pain for the rest of the night. The pain in my heal was sharp, I could feel a warm, moist sensation dripping around my ankle which I knew would be blood seeping from my foot, but I kept drinking more in a bid to numb the pain and fought back the tears and tried to ignore the feeling of nausea.

When I could put up with the stinging, throbbing sensation no longer, I headed home and ripped those horrible shoes off. I knew the damage was bad when my friends all gushed and screamed at the sight of my cut, blistered and bleeding feet. I put my legs in a bucket of hot water with salt to clean the wounds and when I went to the doctors the next morning, I was placed on antibiotics. Dramatic cause of action I know, but my once very beautiful, discounted shoes had given me a really bad internal infection.

Two weeks later and I was given the all clear, but boy was that a painful recovery! While the cuts and blisters have mended themselves, I'll forever have a scar along the back of my ankle - a constant reminder not to be silly and wear shoes I know are bad for me. I've kept the shoes though. You'll find them in the back of my wardrobe somewhere and you can be 100% sure the next time I'm considering what to wear to a bar or nightclub... these high heals won't be it.

By Nastasia Campanella

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nastasia_Campanella

