Martha Stewart Complex

Martha Stewart Empire began the same year, I have my first baby (at least when I became aware of Martha Stewart and her beautiful world stringent). This is unfortunate for me because almost fail my first year at least a new parent. Why. ? Set unachievable standards for women to think that we can do it all.

I go from working with children in San Francisco is a professional event planning with up-to-date clothing and money to burn - to - stay at home mother in the burbs is covered in saliva and sweat and bruised by one. Oops!

I find controlling my life again one day and found that grocery store checkout. Is it a magazine with glossy photos of beautiful furniture, Sweden article on "clean toilet 101" and shooting pictures of people raising quarter. cherub publisher's reputation. "I do" I think to themselves. "I would be the best wife, mother, Mrs., volunteer and chef ever! I buy Martha Stewart Living Magazine and fast delivery of my $ 19 check for the application year. Error Big.

I quickly developed bad cases of Martha Stewart Complex and I have no depression, obesity and lack of integrity that is tragic. Poke fun at a big small. Pie is lemon meringue My lumpy, shirts my husband found them to be ironed. this puppy, knitting my hat crooked and I was not able to view the hospital enough. worse all fun and excitement to be missing from life as orange glaze sauce l 'I try to print over my Poulet Parfait.

I have a beautiful daughter that she does not care if the toys are formatted or blanket she made from cashmere good. She want to explore is playing dirty to a book, Pockets Polly and most of all with her mother and father. It. the time eliminates harmful Martha and some fun again.

Paula Mathias fryer life in Central Coast California. Her husband and three children pretty British precocious and playful dog. 3 of her company is "A Little Thanks" which specializes in gifts for women inspirational messages and promote slow breath and enjoy the present moment.

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