How Do You Fit In?

Do you ever wonder what life is all about and how we all fit in? Do you sometimes feel you "get it" and life is good on one day and then go to the polar opposite side and just want to run away and withdraw from life on another? Or, do you not give it too much thought and just keep on movin' and shakin' like the hamster on the wheel or the Energizer Bunny? Regardless, I think we all need to reach a balance. As with everything, this is easier for some than for others.

Remember the saying all work and no play makes Jane a dull girl? Well, it is true. Having fun is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves! It is when we are happy and enjoying ourselves that we are in touch with our true inner self and truly being ourselves. It feels good and is good for us. Being happy and at peace draws and allows more of the same into our life. Like attracts like.

However, staying in perpetual bliss, happiness, awe, appreciation or even contentment is not always as easy as it sounds. Life has a way of throwing us curve balls from time to time through disappointments, failures, relationship difficulties, confusion, responsibilities, losses, etc. and, BAM, we fall down hard and can't get up. Ironically, it is exactly in these times of feeling the furthest away from our peace, happiness, knowing, and fun that we NEED the flow of abundance to turn in our direction, the most, however, we are blocking it through our negative emotions of anger, sadness, disappointment, depression, isolation, bitterness, jealousy etc. Without a shift in dynamics, our life can turn into a perpetual downward spiral of feelings of confusion, helplessness, hopelessness and apathy, taking us further and further away from the positive stream of help, peace, happiness and abundance.

Maybe you can relate to this in your own life or maybe in the life of a friend or relative, but either way, you CAN be part of the solution. So, what is the answer? If you can resonate with this on a personal level, I can assure you that there are things you can learn to do for yourself to get you back on track. A lot of it is in the perspective in which you are seeing the situation as well as knowing where you want to go and devising a plan consisting of small, attainable goals, or baby steps, to get you there. If you know someone in a similar situation, take a little of your time, reach out and be of support.

In the beginning of this article, I posed the question, what is life about and how do we fit in. There are as many answers to this question as there are people reading this, but I can assure you that one of the answers is to help each other and share the knowledge you have learned along the way. We flow in and out of others lives on a daily basis. We are permanent place cards in some, sitting at the same table for many meals for others, and just passing by on the way to the buffet line for others. However, long or short, we can make a difference by taking a few moments and letting others know we care and we are there for them. A small gesture of even a smile, hug, or a few kind words would not take a lot of effort but it might just be a turning point or mean the world to another. Not everyone is looking for a solution but rather to just be heard and have their feelings validated. Sometimes people need more than just to "know" they are loved; they need to "feel" the love and support. Remember, it is not about what they did or said, it is about how they made us "feel". We don't remember the days, we remember the moments.

Although we are all in the same ballgame, we may be on different fields and at different levels, and we truly have NO CLUE how someone else's game is really going unless we stop, show interest and ask. The score, alone, definitely does not tell the whole story. Step out of your own batter's box and look around. Is there anyone on the sidelines you could make feel like a winner? I promise the rewards will put you into MVP status.

Leslie Brice is a certified Life Coach and owner of Pathway to Passion and Purpose who specializes in working with women who are going through a life transition by supporting and empowering them to move in a positive, forward direction through realization of their passions, purpose and infinite potential.

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