Women - a population New Power

21 century for women in business statistics:.

"We were proud that far, but in the course.
We have more to follow. "

- Women comprised 46.5% of the total U.S. workforce.
- Women will account for 49% of filed labor force and 2006-2016.
- Women accounted for 51% of all workers in the management of high-paying professional careers.
- 2 women will start businesses ethnic groups other than 1.
- Women-owned companies (50% or more) account for 40% of the company held in total homes.
- 10.1 million of the company are women (50% or more).
- Women-owned business that employs 13 million people.
- Women-owned business sales representative in 1.9 trillion.
- * Dept of Labor Statistics Office of the SBA women-owned businesses.

Women are better than men fall management: women business will survive the recession better than most other businesses, according to a recent study by Florida International University Center for Leadership and Commonwealth Institute South Florida.

Here are some reasons from the study.
- They are in less debt.
- They deal with economic downturn by looking for new opportunities.
- They will strengthen relationships with customers and suppliers.
- Female form strategic partnerships and creates new division to find new business.
- Women leaders are strong, good education and passionate about their business and they are good.

What that means.

Ken Gronbach, author of best-selling curve of the age and generational known about their impact on business, social and political trends.

His key subgroups as women and Hispanics Silents Baby Boomers Gen X, Gen Y. women are fast. "influentials" energy can not be denied protection and hold "coveted".

Lessons from the changes of success Story:.

- It's not too late to change.
- Do not fear change.
- Faith in who you are.
- Believe in the value of what you do.
- Set yourself successful.
- Do what they will be successful in business now emerging.

"There's sense in this world. Water Alice.

Train with Shane to education, training and professional development on current market conditions and changes in the competitive business environment. We use sales, marketing and inspiring, and foundation and make them relevant to consumers about changes in market conditions and new changes to your business.

Our expertise in training the following:.

Women in business.
Career change.
Sales performance.
Team building.
Customer service and customer care.
Marketing, branding and sales.
Including new and Social Media.

Visit us at: http://www.TrainwithShane.com.
Deborah Shane: 239-985-9844 239-985-9844.

Source Article: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Deborah_Shane.

