Security measures for women.

We are in danger, so the world will not hurt to learn pairs of security when protecting yourself in your daily life. If you follow the instructions to record your own problems and headaches in the long term. So here go ...

1.Use pay cash for everything. If you use a credit card, you may steal the problem. Although bad debt if you use your card to pay for it may be copied and sold on the black market. Just use cash - it easy and not very difficult. (Plus, you will not over spend and get the debt).

2. Rental box mail. I also recommend everyone to rent a mail box that appears as a home address. For example, to store your printer and you can rent a small mail box for $ 10 a month seems at home and not the actual box PO. That way when you sign up for gym membership or you can make a book club. your home address private. (Sneaking is not?).

3. Holding pepper spray. Depending on your country may be illegal. But next dog pepper spray or mace bearing the law. Is one of those in your car in case someone tried to car people you. Or perhaps you walk alone at home and you want to feel safe. Learn how to use. Practical spray quickly. Remember that it may save lives in case of bad things happen to you.

I hope you will enjoy these tips.

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