School Safety - Close encounters of the kind-hearted abominable.

From college life can be very excited. It's time to announce your freedom and your winged adults. A time for meeting some very cool folks, and certainly some people do not see the result.

But by graduation than 20% of co-eds have experienced rape or attempted completion. The study found that women who recognize the potential dangers to recognize warning signs and know how to resist physical attacks less likely to target more opportunities to save lives and prevent rape.

Here are some eerie events:.

3 months of the year, hunting season is important for predators.
Most victims are targeted first.
Rapes often planned in advance.
Predator choose victims who seem naiive.
Predator cultivates trust and confident environment where they can successfully attack his victims.

So what happened to her after the attack Heals physical, sexual or emotional and psychological scars, but time consuming. Research shows us that:.

They are 3X more likely to experience depression.
6x more likely to violate after traumatic stress disease.
13x more likely to abuse alcohol.
26x opportunity drug abuse.
4x more likely to be suicidal.

So what we can do to protect ourselves? Here are 5 actions you can take when you are threatening:.

Trust your heart! Wise of you the most powerful and important self-survival protection tool. When you get that "feel" eerie, trust is not trying to explain it. Listen to it and get yourself to a safe area. Why? It felt like your brain is telling you what is "close" and "wrong" and try to help you.
They do most of your attacks is to have someone you know that you know them well or just to pass. Their body language as they are. contemplating. Attack will send out warning signals that something is not right "." Reliable and have been some security.
Give your Interview. Predators often test boundaries to see how you can become easy prey by your reaction. You feel nervous, but said nothing and just hope he does not shrug off again, or do you identify yourself and tell him off. Which one you think he is an opportunity to attack?
Create scene. Women do not like scenes, because they fear the poor. But guess what, you will not die from embarrassment, but you will die if you do not create images. Predators do not want to attract attention. Not to them. The sound of your head and body control and safety of your own.
Fight Back! Research shows that women who fight to survive. Own success - when the victim may prevent bear attacks that are made and the steps necessary to resist the attack.

Make sure that part of the college orientation program with the following security elements:.

Knowledge to emergency calls.
Know by heart the number for the end-vans. Escort Service and night if their campus.
Visit each other, particularly if people drink.
Agreement with the roommate about overnight guests.
If you suspect that you or a friend has been drugged to get well ASAP.
Help determine the resources available in the campus.
Use self-defense course if offered by your college if they do not want it they do.

Ensure your school experience is an exciting experience safe by simply taking the time to educate themselves in crime prevention strategies and self-defense there.

Angie M. Tarighi Women's-CEO of Self Defense. Institute a national leader in education and training women about self-defense option and security people.

